Turbobit.net - Support, News & Announcements

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Please try to clear cache or use another browser.

what a idiot answer:-&
yeah i know i can use another browser but i want use IE and clear cache doesn't help

We have checked our site with Inrernet Explorer 8. We do not have any ptoblems with it.
Could you try to use Hitfile.net and Sibit.net

Added after 28 minutes:

Payza are big fee PayPal is not sure ...
add PerfectMoney for Payment!

Dear Partners!!
I have a little announcement
Turbobit plans to expand the number of ways to withdraw money. In addition to the existing methods (Paypal, Payza and Webmoney), we plan to add Yandex.Money and Qiwi.
Please, wait, come very soon.

Added after 23 Hours 34 minutes:

Dear Partners,

Administration apologizes for theproblems in the site operation.

Due to circumstances beyond ourcontrol, starting from October 4, Turbobit.net service been througha complete DdoS attack, in consequence of that, correct operation of the site was compromised.

We was able to restore the normaloperation only the next day, October 5,

Despite this painful fact, we havedecided to compensate the loss for our partners, which appeared because the site was down.

As compensation, all users receive 50%of the amount, earned this weekend, October 12-13.
Also, for all the users, who took partin the promo "Bonus to start" and who activated it before October 5,( inclusive) we add 2 days to the period of thepromo.

*The bonus amount will be credited 14.10.2013.

Thank you for your understanding andpatience.
Team Turbobit.net and Hitfile.net
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turbobit is a great server, always paid me on time,i would like to be accepted in the biggest forums like planetsuzi,forumophi..... etc

I want a list of Adult Forums to arm my Post

We do not provide such information. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Added after 18 minutes:

@RishaTurbobit, can you pls answer on my PM?
Already answered:handshake:

how many GB storage free user have?

For unregistered users, the maximum file size is only 200 MB.
For registered users, the maximum file size is 100 Gb.

Added after 5 minutes:

turbobit is a great server, always paid me on time,i would like to be accepted in the biggest forums like planetsuzi,forumophi..... etc
Welcome to turbobit PPD comeback, heigh payout rates
Please Add JP to group A, Thanks
turbobit is a great server, always paid me on time,i would like to be accepted in the biggest forums like planetsuzi,forumophi..... etc

But you must wait 45 days.
Request and wait 5 days.
Total: 50 days.
Other hosts only 15 days
Is enough?
Thank you for your suggestions, partners. I will transfer them to Administration:friends:
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demanded a new password for forgotten password. I can not log in with the password yet, e-mail address. Please fix this problem immediately.
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