what is wrong with stats i have very bad stats - file views 115 and 0 download - why people cant download the files !
Please note:
«My Files section» shows total downloads, while the «Statistics > Files» section shows only unique downloads (those you are paid for according to the rules set by turbobit.net administration).
files larger than 1 MB
downloads from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Singapore;
links to file downloads must be posted on web pages (spamming links through ICQ, email etc. is strictly prohibited)
only unique downloads through an IP within 24 hours are counted. That is, if 10 files were downloaded within 24 hours through one IP, your Partnership Program Statistics will show this as 1 download
download must be made through our web interface.
Added after 1:

what is wrong with stats i have very bad stats - file views 115 and 0 download - why people cant download the files !
Please note:
«My Files section» shows total downloads, while the «Statistics > Files» section shows only unique downloads (those you are paid for according to the rules set by turbobit.net administration).
files larger than 1 MB
downloads from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Singapore;
links to file downloads must be posted on web pages (spamming links through ICQ, email etc. is strictly prohibited)
only unique downloads through an IP within 24 hours are counted. That is, if 10 files were downloaded within 24 hours through one IP, your Partnership Program Statistics will show this as 1 download
download must be made through our web interface.
Added after 1 3 minutes:
Dear users!
We offer you to participate in the new interface
beta testing of the existing Turbobit.net and Hitfile.net affiliate programs.
To take part in beta testing, please, make a request via
our ticket system , "Request to be a Beta Tester" section. As a bonus,
all beta testers will receive additional 20% for 10 days from their earnings!
All details and further instructions will be sent in response to your request in the ticket system.
Best Regards,
Turbobit.net and Hitfile.net team
*The number of beta testers is limited, not all requests can be accepted.