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need help

I had an account WebMoney Keeper Classic, I'm on turbobit.net premium account shall be reported as

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What should I do to buy turbobit.net premium payment

it drives me crazy, everytime when I log keep saying that password is not correct! then need to click on a link to unlock thea account and so on...

it drives me crazy, everytime when I log keep saying that password is not correct! then need to click on a link to unlock thea account and so on...


I had this problem too, the problem is the Carriage return symbol is ending up in the password from the email

Try selecting from the 2nd character in the password to the 2nd to last character then pasting that and adding those two characters manually to the start and end respectively.
with premium how many days of inactivity since last download? 90 days?

do TBit give REAL unlimited storage with premium?

Can i choose WMR too, or just WMZ?

what is the maximum downloaded file size for free users? no limit?

when a file get deleted due to inactivity, does it appear in deleted files? or just DMCA ?
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with premium how many days of inactivity since last download? 90 days?

do TBit give REAL unlimited storage with premium?

Can i choose WMR too, or just WMZ?

what is the maximum downloaded file size for free users? no limit?

when a file get deleted due to inactivity, does it appear in deleted files? or just DMCA ?

Files will be removed 45 days after last download for free user and 90 days after last download for Premium user.

TurboBit offer unlimited storage space.

You can only pay with WMZ, not WMR, but you can transfer money from WMR to WMZ purse in WemMoney.

Deleted files appear in the deleted section, and reason are also shown. Files will be removed 45 days after last download for free user and 90 days after last download for Premium user.

I hope this helps :)
In general I can confirm what thedossetup said, but I want to add:
TurboBit offer unlimited storage space.
Yes, but if your so called temperature (very bad performance in sales/files/space used ratio) is down for a long time and you take excessive storage, they block your upload. Never happened to me, but I heard it from several uploaders. Nevertheless with your stats we know from RG you shouldn't have any problem with that ;)
As far as I know no, but you will see it on your temperature. If it is always below 10 degree and you take dozens of TB of storage, you are most probably a candidate for blocking upload possibility if they are running out of storage...
But if your temperature indicator is good, you will earn gold points which are really nice, since you get additional % on your sales http://turbobit.net/gold - I'm already Gold Hero :fly:
And as far I can tell they do not shave at all and the statistics are very detailled - (for sales: exact plan, user's payment method, source link), for downloads you get stats by country group and if you allow copies you get also detailled stats on which file generated you money (but you only get 10%, the thief gets 90%).

But: They hold your money for 45 days (for payments by cc) or 10 days (for payments by phone/sms) until it is available for payout. After request they pay within 2-5 days.
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