To anyone using

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Active Member
As most of you are aware i sold this site,and am no longer affilated with it,the person that bought it though is still using my nic there 'iMage' .. after asking him to change it on several occasions. the new owner is know here as Angelboy,so if there are any issues pertaining to Realwarez contact him and not me.

i guess the kid is to stupid to know how to change a username on vbulletin or just wanted to use my name as i am TW here and he is using this to his advantage.

I'm pretty sure it's near impossible for a new forum admin to post 825 times and get thanked so many times. Angelboy probably changed the name now.
ya i spoke to him on msn,he has now changed it after asking him a dozen or more times.. still has my avatar though lol
[16-02, 06:47] fanobliv: i hope you banned him AFTER you gave him the money ?
[16-02, 06:47] fanobliv: you banned image ?
[16-02, 05:31] IzzY: /team
[16-02, 01:50] IzzY:

[16-02, 01:50] IzzY: Ang3lboy: Could you please bump M&M and I down to regular members?
[16-02, 01:49] IzzY: see ya there ;)
[16-02, 01:49] IzzY: StarTech: top right ad
[16-02, 01:48] IzzY: Good Deal Ang3lboy
[16-02, 01:44] StarTech: will you guys stay here or ?
[16-02, 01:44] StarTech: heya izzy and m&m
[16-02, 01:27] Ang3lboy: nick has been changed
[16-02, 01:06] Teh_Real_iMage: im off here again,change your name to something besides iMage.. this will be my last time i ask you to do this,come on msn Angelboy
[16-02, 01:06] M&M: hi the REAL IMAGE that would be a good idea cause there is only one Image
[16-02, 01:00] Teh_Real_iMage: ya im here.. i have sold this site... Admin change your username already,i have asked you to so this several time
[16-02, 00:57] M&M: Can the real Image please stand up?
[16-02, 00:55] IzzY: *shouts
[16-02, 00:55] IzzY: if you banned him he can't see your shots
[16-02, 00:35] IzzY: "iMage"?
[16-02, 00:35] IzzY: what the fuck?
[15-02, 23:24] NiftyPirater: Hey aussie y you submitted uploads to katz yesterday
[15-02, 23:23] Ang3lboy: aussie ron u there ?
[15-02, 23:23] NiftyPirater: cya Bye
[15-02, 23:18] fattlum62: cya
[15-02, 23:18] fattlum62: anyway , done a few uploads , and im off to bed
[15-02, 23:18] fattlum62: nice dat u got unbanned
[15-02, 23:16] Ang3lboy: yesterday modeartor submitted the link
[15-02, 23:16] fattlum62: well didnt notice that,.
[15-02, 23:13] NiftyPirater: the site unbanned 8 hours ago
[15-02, 23:13] NiftyPirater: lol
[15-02, 22:38] fattlum62: lol iMage :P

it's already fucking nooby there, im signing off there, and will never come back :/. too bad you sold it image.

I want to logout, but there is no logout button lol
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