Thoughts on WarezRank

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Leo Ghost


I own a Warez Toplist, and it's been running for about 6 months or so now. I try to keep it clean of dead links as much as possible, and i've noticed that tends to encourage new sites to join up. Anyway, any feedback you can give me for it would be great. This is one of the few places I can ask for feedback about it, due to it's nature.

Be as harsh as needed, I look to improve :)

Thanks man, glad you think so :-)

Wow, glad to finally meet ya. Didn't really expect any of the users to be hanging around here, but glad to see they are. Good to hear you like it, and found it useful enough to use :))
Yeah I registered when i first launched meh site & have been floatin' around teh top 10 since, I already saw one great improvement with teh implementation of banners,
Tis a good Top Lists, Good luck with it :)
Looks like I stopped at the right stop then eh? Lol.

Thanks mate, look forward to seeing you when you do join :P

Good to see you again, last time we talked was through email I believe. Yeah the banner idea was a good improvement, however i'm sure they'll be more. I've been meaning to work on a better style, but that'll come in due time.

Thanks man, glad you like it.

For those who are users, and for those who aren't as well, the site will keep getting better in time. My company is getting on offshore dedicated server soon, which we'll move WarezRank to. That means far less downtime, and much faster loading. It'll also give me better FTP support (right now I am forced to use the browser based one) so a new style will be in the works. We hit a million button views in 6 months, look forward to many more in the next 6 months :-)
I'd love to know how many hits people are getting to their site from this site now.

If I'm being honest I faked the stats and pageloads for that site before and got a site to number one a few months back. Feel bad now as it wasn't even my site. Just did it for a friend. Not sure how much it's developed or advanced but when you add the image you can set width="0" height="0" so the image won't show but your site will still count it as an impression. You can also have an ordinary page guests can't see and have almost no code on it except the button and make it refresh a few times through a proxy on random.

I'm just telling you so you can improve it and hope you won't hold it against me as it was a long time ago. If you want to PM me I'll give you suggestion of ways to prevent abuse.
@Mr Happy
Yes, it is extremely easy to cheat if you want to spend time doing so, won't deny it. I can't say how much traffic it's giving to sites, however traffic on my page can be viewed by clicking the 'your ad here' link. I'm more than willing to hear how you suggest beefing up security, every bit helps :D
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