TheMediaStorage - PPD | Daily Payments

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The datacenter is getting a DDOS attack. We are NOT the target though. I am getting the datacenter to assist in this matter.

Reply from the server host
We're working on blocking the attack as we identify the targets on the network in order to return it to stable performance. We do apologize for any inconvenience caused and will work as quickly as possible to resolve this."

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we're trying to fix it. someone is definitely abusing the site. We will monitor all downloads and uploads for the next few days and block IPs that are suspicious.
We are still getting DDOS-ed. Some of our competitors are working very hard to bring us down. We are still trying to re-route the attacks.

Added after 1 Day 5 Hours:

Update: Site is faster now with major rerouting and blocking of those attackers. (All the attacks are from USA IP addresses)

We will try to get the upload function up asap. What we can do right now is either slow site with upload function active or fast site with upload function down. Very soon, we will have both fast site and upload function working. Working on that with utmost priority.

Kindly be patient with us and once all these attacks are sorted out, we will become stronger security wise which in the long run is positively good for everyone. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Added after 1:

also as we have blocked a range of IPs. if anyone of you got blocked by mistake, let us know.

Added after 3 Days 16 Hours:

Final update on DDOS attacks -

Firstly, I believe our file servers are up and running at optimal speeds now. We have managed to stop the attacks and put in place several layers of protection to prevent such things from happening again.

Secondly, as the slow site has created much inconvenience, we have extended all our premium users by a week. Upload away!

Here's to a happy 2016! It was a nightmare dealing with those DDOS attacks... phew.
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