Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...


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themaPoster - software to help you post to forums and blogs.

What is themaPoster?
themaPoster is a auto poster program which allows you to create new threads / reply to topics in forums and blogs. You can also create schedule for posting, post from .txt files and much more.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

More screenshots at: themaPoster - (home)

Website: themaPoster - (home)
Buy: themaPoster - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • Reply to hundreds of your topics at the same time.
  • Create new threads in forums and blogs.
  • Send emails to any email address.
  • Tons of settings to make it work like you want.
  • Add unlimited number of topics / templates.
  • Group your topics for easier organizing.
  • Add unlimited number of forums / blogs.
  • Organize forums by categories and countries.
  • Major forum / blog types supported (phpBB, vBulletin, SMF, IP Board, myBB, DLE forum, DLE blog, Wordpress, Discuz, Discuz X, xenForo, fluxBB, Icy Phoenix, punBB, miniBB, Burning Board, phpWind, uCoz blog, Blogger [blogspot], Email).
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Smart login and retry system.
  • Preview your formatted message before sending.
  • Schedule your posts. Automatic posting at chosen time.
  • Incredibly fast. Post submitted within seconds.
  • Prefixes and icons fully supported.
  • See a progression of each post.
  • Random questions and captcha support.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, bypassCaptcha, deathByCaptcha).
  • DLE posting via admin control panel.
  • Templates finder to find all forum sections automatically.
  • Automatic detection of forum type and charset.
  • Multiple accounts support.
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.
  • Easy access to your topics by double clicking.
  • Request custom forums.
  • Shutdown the computer automatically when all schedule tasks are completed.
  • All languages supported (even Chinese, Russian, etc.).
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac (via wine).
  • Auto-posting from directory.
  • Use proxy when posting.
  • Check for dead sites.
  • Save message and post it as it was later.
  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Posts list - save and organize your posts.
  • Banned hosts, custom replacements, special tags to make posting better.
  • Private messages automatic checker on forums and blogs.
  • Multiple language interfaces (Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish).
  • Easy to select wanted topics / templates.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).
Current price (second option): 35$ (for program + build-in forums).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaPoster forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaPoster forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaPoster - (changelog)
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If anyone requested to update from 1.xx to 2.xx quite a while ago and you don't see anything in the inbox then please check the spam / junk folder. The email is probably there.

Also please email to for faster response. I get notifications about emails to my phone, I don't get any notifications about PM's in WJ, I only see them when I have time to visit the forum.

license key update from v1.04 to v2.06 not done mate still waiting been more than 36 hours, pls check your P.M and mail and reply me tks.

Everything was sent to your email quite a while ago.

Please check the spam folder just in case.

Also re-sent again.

how do you post site DLE or add site with admin CP?

thema not support
WISYWIG for DLE blog??

It should detect automatically if needs to post via admin CP, you don't need to do anything. If you have any errors please create a topic here: , just follow the requirements:

It doesn't matter if it uses WISYWIG.

is down for everyone or just me?

Just some server maintenance, nothing serious. I have more than one server for program to work without any problems.

Freddy Check your pm please..

I can't answer the PM because you reached PM's limit and you need to delete some. :) Though I wrote the whole response.

Added after 3 Days 19 Hours:

Version 2.07 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.06 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.


  • Fixed bug with private message checker. It was not able to update message count in the table. Also if user reads the message it did not update in the program.
  • Fixed bug of not able to retry warning status that user has private message (retry should be possible because user might have read the pm already or just knows what he's doing).
  • Added new option in "STATUS" tab to "Close the program after all posting is done".
  • Fixed some questions detection in phpBB 3.x and DLE Blog type.
  • Fixed small login issues in some Wordpress blogs.
  • Fixed some issues with DLE Blog which use wysiwyg editors.
  • Added new setting in "FORUMS" -> "Other" section " tag limit in message". Default is -1 (unlimited).
    [*]Improved startup when schedule tasks which are in the past found. Added options to choose posting now "No to all", "Yes to all" or "Choose for each task". Also added subject information if "Choose for each task" is chosen which makes easier to identify tasks.
    [*]Fixed bug when saving message to file the subject (file name) had illegal characters for file path.
    [*]Added new button in "Posts list" tab at the top row to "change description for selected posts".

    [b]Small note:[/b] there is a small bug in [img] tag limit which I saw too late. For example: setting to 1 will not post if message contains 1 image, it will be changed in 2.08 so that setting to 1 would allow 1 image, but won't post if there more than 1 image. This also affects 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
    Also it now only counts lowercase [img]. As well fixed in later 2.08

    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]
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Version 2.08 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.07 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.


  • Fixed limit setting bug. For example: setting to 1 will now allow 1 image and every image above 1 is over limit. This also affects 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
    [*]Fixed other [img] limit setting bug. It only counted lowercase [img].
    [*]Fixed small PM finding problem in some SMF forums.
    [*]Added new setting in "FORUMS" -> "Other" tab what to do when [img] limit is exceeded: "Skip status (edit manually if needed)." or "Remove extra images automatically.".
    [*]Fixed some posting problems.
    [*]Improved handling of "NoHttpResponseException" error (should happen less).
    [*]Added new option in "Status" table right click context to quickly "Change prefix" (only for failed statuses to retry with correct prefix if needed).
    [*]Added new 7 build-in forums.

    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]

    [size=1][i]Added after 1 Day 4 Hours[/i]:[/size]

    BitCoin payments now accepted.

    Payment information for program: [url=]click here[/url]
    Payment information for build-in forums only: [url=]click here[/url]

    [size=1][i]Added after 23 Hours 57 minutes[/i]:[/size]

    Version 2.09 released.

    Open (or wait a bit) 2.08 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.


    [*]Fixed important posting bug which was accidentally made in 2.08.
    [*]Fixed [img] limit bug when "Remove extra images automatically" was chosen. It left the [url=image]..[/url] not removed around the [img] tag.
    [*]Added new setting in "CONFIG" -> "General posting" : "Grab first image in message as cover".
    [*]Added new setting in "FORUMS" -> "Other" only for DLE Blogs to "Use admin-cp for login and post".
    [*]Added new button in replacements panel to "Save replacements to file".

    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]
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All keys should be sent by now. Please check the spam / junk folder just in case if you can't see it in the inbox.

Also version 2.10 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.09 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.


  • Fixed important posting problem due to CloudFlare security changes.
  • Fixed some minor posting problems.
  • Fixed some bbCode to HTML converting issues.
  • Fixed limit bug when "Remove" option was chosen. Now removes only for needed forum(s).
    [*]Some other minor fixes and improvements.

    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]
Freddy11, one question, please?

Do you plan to create any software which will allow us to replace old posts in topics?

When i change filehost, i have to delete old topics and create new ones and i am losing the views of old topics.

So, can you create a software which will help us to replace old posts in topics with new ones?

I am sure many uploaders would like such a tool.

Please let us know if this is going to happen soon or not.

Freddy11, one question, please?

Do you plan to create any software which will allow us to replace old posts in topics?

When i change filehost, i have to delete old topics and create new ones and i am losing the views of old topics.

So, can you create a software which will help us to replace old posts in topics with new ones?

I am sure many uploaders would like such a tool.

Please let us know if this is going to happen soon or not.


I do plan something like that, but can't really say when it will be done.

Working on a lot of things nowadays and trying to enjoy the summer as well.

Though I tend to work quite fast, so you never know when I might finish something :)
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Version 2.11 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.10 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.


  • Fixed general replacements bug which led them to be applied multiple times. Now being applied only before posting.
  • Fixed message to file saving bug from posts list when file already existed.
  • Fixed not able to add websites of https.
  • Added \r to message line breaks when saving to file (windows standard, notepad displays lines breaks correctly).
  • Added in "FORUMS" -> "Other" section for Dle blogs which require to post via admin-cp to allow to change the name of admin-cp page if needed. Default: admin.php
  • Improved. Some VBulettin forums use add-on with option "Automatically retrieve titles from external links", it's now disabled because it usually is quite slow and not really needed.
  • Fixed some minor posting problems.
  • Added new option in "FORUMS" -> "Other" to "Remove extra images from start" when limit is reached.

    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]

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