Selling themaManager - edit and manage your posts / replace dead links.


Active Member
themaManager - software to help you manage and edit your posts from forums and blogs.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

Website: themaManager - (home)
Buy: themaManager - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • All your user posts are fetched automatically.
  • All new posts are fetched periodically.
  • Supports major types of forums and blogs (phpBB, vBulletin, DLE blog, Wordpress, SMF, IP Board, myBB, xenForo, Burning Board, fluxBB, Blogger [blogspot]).
  • Posts are monitored for dead links all the time.
  • Replace dead links in all forums / blogs at once.
  • Replace posts with new posts from .txt files.
  • Replace specific text in all posts.
  • Replaced dead links are remember for the future.
  • Check links from specific post and replace in all posts.
  • Extract and replace links only from specific posts.
  • Setup all hosts which you need for dead links checking.
  • Access to all your posts by just double clicking with mouse.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, ripCaptcha, deathByCaptcha, bypassCaptcha).
  • Edit any of your post.
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Preview your formatted post.
  • Save posts to files if needed.
  • Settings to make it work like you want.
  • Delete posts from supported website types (Wordpress).
  • Multiple language interfaces (English, French, Russian).
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaManager forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaManager forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaManager - (changelog)
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There are absolutely no limits in the program.

For most forums all posts are being fetched fine when adding user (even if it's 1000000 or more).

Some forums (especially vBulletin) limit their search results and showing only 1000 latest posts, so all latest (and new posted) posts are being fetch fine.
That's how they work, it's not possible to do anything about that.

That's why "Topic fetch" was added to help with this and you can fetch older posts by topic URLs (or IDs) if needed. Most people don't even need them.

It is mentioned in the FAQ as well: themaManager - (FAQ)


I just send you PM in themaManager forum!
Answered in my forum.

No need to post in multiple places. Thanks.

Added after 13 Days 23 Hours:

Version 1.31 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 1.30 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added button to "Filter my posts from this sub-forum".
  • Added special search and filter keyword "NOT". Must written at the start all uppercase. Will filter everything not containing words after it.
  • Added setting for Wordpress blogs in "Other settings" tab "Don't fetch drafts".
  • Added option in "Replace text" window to search only in selected posts.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
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i sent you a PM freddy11

Hi, answered PM.

Added after 4 Days 2 Hours:

Version 1.33 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 1.31 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added support to fetch Wordpress posts of "type movies" via topic fetch.
  • Improved to ignore subject letter case when searching for the same posts.
  • Improved images preview loading in preview window.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
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Version 1.33 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 1.32 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added ability to change height of custom fields area if needed.
  • Added topic fetch support for type SMF due to requests, but it's not needed in general use.
  • Added new right click option for posts list to "Copy URL in HTML".
  • Added new right click option for edit statuses to "Just to post".
  • Added option in "Main settings" -> "Messages" -> "Scroll to end of the message when selected.".
  • Improved custom fields fetching when there multiple inputs with the same name.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 2.00 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 1.33 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added new ReCaptcha support via Anti-Captcha, DeathByCaptcha, RipCaptcha services.
  • Added option in "Extracted links" window -> "Enter the same text for all" to enter text only for areas having dead links.
  • Added new right click option for edit statuses to "Copy message".
  • Added special search and filter keyword "OR". Must written all uppercase. For example text1 OR text2, will filter everything what matches text1 or text2.
  • Added button to "Check selected posts for dead links".
  • Added support for PunBB type.
  • Added "Donate" option in "About" menu.
  • Improved to select first post by default after searching.
  • Improved "Add links as mirror" when post is in HTML.
  • Improved to remember main tables sorting order if it was changed by clicking on column.
  • Updated main internal component which should give better performance and better memory management.
  • Fixed SSL (https) problems.
  • Fixed image sizes in preview window.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

Important information

  • Updating to new version is exactly the same as in all previous versions. Just copy paste "user" folder (more information in update page if doing this the first time).
  • License keys don't change and are the same. There is literally nothing new in updating process.

  • From new version pricing changes.
    • 3$ per month (or 30$ per year). Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
  • The price for new license stays the same 30$ which will get you a new license key and expiration date will be set for one year in the future (one year of free usage).
  • You can extend for as many months as you want at once.
  • For now you can continue to use old version if you wish without new monthly pricing, but you won't get any fixes, improvements, new features and support (since all fixes will be made in new versions).
  • I still might make updates for old version in the future.
  • If you bought the program in 2017 the expiration date for the license key is set to "date bought" + 1 year. For example bought on 2017-06-21, the expiration date is now 2018-06-21.
  • If you have more than one license of the same program (themaPoster for example) it's 3$ for sets of programs.
  • The expiration date for all other license keys is set to 2018-01-10 (only affects new version).

  • If you have ever donated email me to mentioning transaction details (email, transaction id, or purse number), your license keys with program names and I will extend your expiration date rounding in your favor.

License information in the program
  • There is new menu under "Help" -> "License" where you can see the license information and copy the license key fast when needed.
  • At the bottom there is new number (which means days the license is valid for) and two buttons: first one just opens the same "Help"->"License" window. Second - opens page in browser with extending information.
  • The number at the bottom becomes yellow when less than 10 days left until expiration date and red when less than 5 days left.
  • When less than 3 days you will see a small information message with reminder to extend.

  • The pricing needed to be done in order to maintain the project. It was suggested by a lot of users. I just can't work for free already since I need to make a living out of something. The funds will also be used to maintain servers, buy new internal updates, hiring new people. I will have more motivation, will try to work more, make the fixes, improvements and new features faster.

Some notes of new version:
  • Websites with upgraded SSL will only work from new version. Some already doesn't work old version and there will be more in the future probably.
  • There are a lot of new features and improvements (more will come in future updates as well).
  • There are also a lot of other important bug fixes which are mentioned in the change log.
  • New ReCaptcha (where you need to press to make a tick) will only work from new version with auto-captcha services.
  • I had the chance to test more DeathByCaptcha service and I can recommend them as well now (along with Anti-Captcha) since it seems they work quite good.
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Version 2.01 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.00 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • 64-bit build with all 64-bit benefits.
  • Added option for "Check for new posts interval" as "-1" to disable automatic check for new posts. Please note when disabled no new posts will be fetched automatically.
  • Added option to ignore extensions when trying to match new links by filename in URL.
  • Added special keyword "NOT" support when searching inside message text.
  • Added "Filecrypt" captcha support. If you already have added this host you will need to remove it and add again.
  • Improved when copying license key to include short program name "TM" at the start (just easier and people won't forget that).
  • Fixed custom fields area appearing when not needed if resizing window.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 2.02 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.01 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added delete post from website support for DLE blog type (works only if account has needed permissions).
  • Added option in "Settings" -> "Posts" -> "Show users in drop-down list".
  • Added option in "Settings" -> "Posts" -> "Sort by post ID (oldest at the top)".
  • Added setting under "Settings" menu (at the top) -> "Use proxy for loading images in preview".
  • Fixed new ReCaptcha in some rare cases not trying to solve with auto-captcha service.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 2.03 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.02 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added new setting in "Options" -> "Posts" -> "Remove extra empty new lines [when more than 2] (makes message text better if there are a lot of empty new lines, might happen due to removed banned hosts or just badly formatted message).".
  • Added option in "Settings" -> "Posts" -> "Sort by edit date". Will only affect new edited posts from this version.
  • Added new auto-captcha service "CheapCaptcha".
  • Improved in message preview when clicking on URL to open in browser handling spaces correctly in case host forgets to encode them.
  • Improved (increase) file dialogs default size a bit to make more practical.
  • Improved to remember if main window was maximized or not before closing.
  • Fixed table column sorting by date when default date format is changed.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 3.00 released.

Open older version (or wait a bit if running) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • New look with two themes: Light and Dark. Dark theme is only available for larger than 1400x800 resolutions because of larger sizing. You can still choose "Old Look" in settings for now just in case.
  • Added "Abort" button for links checking.
  • Added replacements support for custom fields.
  • Added separate color filter for posts with options: All colors, Without color, Post edited, With dead links
  • Improved "Remove marked color" button to remove edit color as well (if wanted) which was set as default for edited posts.
  • Fixed conversion to HTML freeze issue in rare cases.
  • Fixed manual check links action when periodic checking is disabled.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 3.01 released.

Open older version (or wait a bit if running) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added right click option on posts list -> "Clear edited status".
  • Added new setting in "Main settings" -> "Posts" -> "Grab first image in message as cover".
  • Improved removing links from HTML posts to retain formatting better.
  • Improved to show posts with dead links with red icon on the left. That way it's not interference with marked background color and marked color will be visible.
  • Fixed new XenForo replies fetching.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 3.02 released.

Open older version (or wait a bit if running) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added setting in "Main settings" -> "Posts" -> "Use background colors instead of icons for edited posts and posts with dead links". By enabling this option you will not be able to mark with color those posts.
  • Improved for "LINKS" table to not show "Subject" column after pressing "Confirm new links" if it was hidden before.
  • Fixed color filtering "with dead links".
  • Fixed removing of extra links when post is in HTML.
  • Fixed few fetching / editing problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here

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