The Official Payza Support Thread

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I won a competition on your online facebook thing. I was told to email to your social department, i did that and they told me to give me the payza email so they can deposit a small amount as a gift for me. But till now havent heard back from them i havent even got any small gift from them yet.

what is going on please let me know,.
Hi boredofall,

Can you provide me with the transaction reference number? I will look into this with our team to determine what is happening.

Thanks in advance,

Here are my details:

7/21/2012 2:02:15 PM

Reference Number

Amount is 76$

Thank you.
Hi Marco

Why do you have time to get on this forum instead of just answering the support tickets?

People like me who have been waiting for almost a month on their bank withdrawal never receive a response. All it takes is explaining the reason why in a very short and simple sentence.

Best regards
Hello mister . I've opened a dispute to recover my money . Reference Number of that transaction is: B3B63-C63F7-893F9 . I wait to resolve it . Thank You very much
Our records show that the transaction was cancelled the very same day you created it. Simply re initiate the withdrawal to your bank account.

I can't re initiate the withdrawl because it shows only 0.73$ in my payza balance , but weirdly next to it, in my country currency it shows me the money converted from 76.73$ that being all my money that i supposed to have... but still... can't withdraw them.

Thank you.
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Hello sir .

i have a question with my payza account Status temporary hold.

and it's been 12days for that. i have reply all the question that payza ask me

my ticket # JHU-857-86031. please take a look just for few mins.
Hi boredofall,

Our records show that the transaction was cancelled the very same day you created it. Simply re initiate the withdrawal to your bank account.

Kind regards,

Hi Marco

Why is Payza ignoring our support tickets and why are you not responding to my questions and only helping a few people here?

Losing 700 euro is kind of a big deal for me and I can't believe that Payza doesn't do any effort to find out what's going on. However... it looks like they don't care. They don't think that we will just go away and accept our lossess don't they? Just a simple answer could reassure us and it only takes you one minute...
First, thr support was/has been slow from start, I contacted them & they replied it would take some more time before everything flows normally.

Secondly, to all the people reporting issues with Payza not paying/sending money. I would like to tell you that I have received funds from payza within 10 days of bankwire request, so its working fine. They have CC integration issue which they are trying to sort out asap
Took some time but finally got my credit.

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx

This is to inform you that your bank transfer deposit in the amount of £XX.XX GBP, created on May 15, 2012 7:38:56 AM has now been completed and has been credited to your Payza account.

Thanks for choosing Payza, the Payza Team''
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They never reply to support ticket no matter what ever your problem .
After telling people so many good thing about them now i never recommend them to anyone.
You guys should work on responding to tickets, I had a ticket opened on July 2nd, wanna guess when I got a reply? Yesterday, that's 26 days. :/

PS: Withdrawing money via ban is working fine as usual, so no worries.
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