The New facebook !

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To be honest this site could work. It's an excellent place to spam, flame, abuse, ridicule as none of that is against their rules.

I'd have thought this is the perfect site for a lot of WJ members who love to flame and create drama.

Your even allowed to set up hate groups. How cool is that? It's the perfect place for anti-Semitic, anti-government or extremist groups to hang out especially as he's promised a better privacy policy.
A few things, its essentially just a facebook clone with less people, therefore hardly anyone would use it.

Secondly, Facebook would never start charging people, simple because they have free competitors, and if they did, people would move to MySpace.

Thirdly it is IDENTICAL to Facebook in looks, therefore it won't succeed, you need something unique.

And lastly, if you honestly think you can run a successful social networking site by yourself, sorry mate, think again.
wow, well it had me confused, it looks just like facebook. i just don't get why the domain name is diff from the name on the site o.O
or im just missing something >_<
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