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Active Member
Wouldn't be a good idea to have a Thanks mod or a Reputation system like IP.Board has. This prevent all those un-needed replies in your threads like "thankyou man", "thanks mate"

Just a sug. Cheerz
It could be great motivation to some users, they would help each other because of the ePoints. But, my guess is that WJunction Administration already has a lot of things to fix, code, and edit. So "Thanks System" would just go on the list of the stuff that has to be fixed/edited/implemented.
from my experience. even if its there there will always be dumbasses replying "thanks", "looks good" "good luck" "pm me your msn" etc.
not tht it can be manipulated,but honestly it would be abused here i am sure,with people on PM or msn etc saying "rep me" . And would ultimatly lead to the same issue as with the respected thing,new members may see someone with high rep and think because of this he is very trustworthy just beacuse of a number. I know it doesnt make sense,but is just the way it seems to be here at the junction
@iMage, it's the same like this:

"Reply to my thread mate" blabla, you can't avoid that.

"Rep me please"

@Jason, yes they have a lot to do. But they have time enough.
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