TezFiles.com - For those who work Today!


Active Member
Corporate Membership
We are glad to present you our new FileHost: TezFiles.com
Sales: 50%
Auto-Sale (Rebill): 30%
Premium Downloads(PPPD): 10%
Domain sales: 5%
Referral: 5%

If your "Productivity Scale" 6 or 7+, you will automatically get higher rates:
Productivity Scale 6: Sales - 55%, Rebill - 35%
Productivity Scale 7+: Sales - 60%, Rebill - 40%
How to get higher "Productivity Scale" read here.

The most significant difference between TezFile.com from MoneyPlatform or any other file host is: transferred rebills and payments for premium Downloads*

* transferred rebill - benefits those who are working with us today, and not to those who have barely worked now.
Rebills transferred to whose file was downloaded first after costumer's account got charged.

** Premium downloads (PPPD) - when a costumer got charged with a rebill we will pay you for the first 10 GB which he downloaded. (more here)

Minimum is 1 USD
Payouts 2 times a week (Monday and Thursday)
Payouts can be made on: WebMoney WMZ, PayPal, PerfectMoney, Bank, Paxum, your Visa/MasterCard and some other suitable for you payout options.

Support is the same one as on MoneyPlatform: TezFiles.com


I will answer a few questions in front:
Will MoneyPlatform close? - NO
What will happen to MoneyPlatform? - It will proceed to work and evolve as it was before.
Why did you create a new File Host? - Because this file host has a different structure to count rebills and premium downloads which we think is better for this industry. Which will help you and us to earn better money.
Can I transfer my files from MoneyPlatform to TezFiles? - Easy, instruction: http://dl1.joxi.net/drive/0013/3679/892511/151217/3cd2d0be39.jpg
Is the "legal extreme" content allowed? - ABSOLUTELY NO.

80% Sales
Premium Rebill dowloads
Domain sales
Full details read here - http://www.wjunction.com/95-file-hosts-official-support/207982-9.html#post2164618
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WMZ, PayPal, Bank Payments done.

Payment gates is ok.

Added after 1:

can you join tezfiles and moneyplattform? keep a good scale on two filehosts look hard.
it is separate filehost.

but you can easy copy your files between TezFiles and MoneyPlatform.
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Payments done.

Added after 3 Days 22 Hours:

Payments done.

We made a list with 170+ forums for Tezfiles.
If you need it please PM me:
your login on Tezfiles and we mail to this email forum list.
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* PayPal withdrawals: minimum payout is $50.
We charge $5 per transaction. For withdrawals of $100 or more, we charge 5% of the amount.

Hi @Jeff_K2S:

I want to start using your Filehost, a question.
This is real, that you charge for each withdrawal?

Excuse my English, I use translator.
WebMoney, PerfectMoney - FREE
PayPal - 5% (minimum 5$)
Bank - 20$, if you request more then 1000$ is FREE

tezfile allow on forumophilia?
not menstion in the list on forulophilia?
not now

Added after 11 Hours 32 minutes:

All Payments done. :)
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