Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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So, guys, as you see, terafile now changed payment gateway to robokassa. This is a Russian billing, when you buy something you see all prices in rubles. It's very nice, especially for US and EU!!! They even not able to convert valet according geo-location of users.

This billing sucks! Our payments will be paid in 2015!
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Well, I'm amazed right now.

By some odd intuition I just logged back to my Terafile account after what has been like 4 months. I left because eventually they deleted all my files.

But what do I see once there?

Apparently one of my old 180 day purchase rebills has come through couple months ago.

Now... if I get this payment - new owners or not - I'm ready to work with Terafile again.

I mean... never would I have thought that they'll keep my earnings coming after our not so nice good-bye.

[TABLE="class: myFiles, width: 897"]
[TD="align: center"]2014-09-15[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]$xx.xx
[TD="align: center"]Webmoney[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]xxx
[TD="align: center"]PENDING :whistle:
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*sigh* trying to stay as positive as possible but it is looking pretty bad. ;/

EDIT: If things aren't resolved soon, I will probably leave. I won't be able to upload anymore by the end of the day because my premium will run out anyways. I have tried contact support via the website but there is no response at ALL.
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[TABLE="class: myFiles"]
[TD="colspan: 4"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2014-09-04[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]PENDING hhhhhhhhh fuck
So, guys, as you see, terafile now changed payment gateway to robokassa. This is a Russian billing, when you buy something you see all prices in rubles. It's very nice, especially for US and EU!!! They even not able to convert valet according geo-location of users.

This billing sucks! Our payments will be paid in 2015!
The End for shameful host of 2014 :thumbdown:
I have given you as much time as possible. I have decided that I will be leaving this host immediately for the following reasons:

1) You have had MINIMAL activity since the 15th of August. Furthermore, you have not logged in since September 5th.

2) You have yet to fulfill payouts that were made from the 22nd+

3) You have repeaditly tried selling the site over the past 2-3 weeks with VERY LITTLE success. As far as I know, at least 2-3 potential buyers changed their mind when they saw the lack of payouts and support. You are clearly tired of running the site and so you tried to run away with a quick buck from selling the site.

4) You no longer provide : support / news / premium / nonshaving of sales & DL's.
I bailed out a week ago. $240 loss...

Where is everyone going? I'm back to using Rapidgator until I find something better. I haven't loaded anything new there for nearly 2 months, but I've still been getting sales & rebills
Who is a mod of this thread?
Ban terafile forever, please, all its support and discussions!
Site is not answering, no payments, they counting sales from unavailable files (server under maintainance.) - fake stats for webmasters who desire to leave this host.
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