Donnie Yen
Active Member
hello admin plz can you renew myPremium-Account my id Terafile_Uploader
today I reached $15, made request for payment. It shows minimum payout $50 for paypal.
Your terms is showing $15 is a minimum payout for paypal. This is very funny at your side.
My user : 9rasna
Please approve my request.
I have to fix the tariff $ 12.
Whether this is true for the premium of 4.99EUR
Your inbox is full, I want to know something, please make it free.
Terafile said:You must be on PPS at the time of a sale to earn it. You can change your plan on the affiliate settings page...
Terafile said:You must be on PPS at the time of a sale to earn it. You can change your plan on the affiliate settings page...
Well that sucks, seeing as how my account was originally ON the PPS plan, shortly before the sale and has only earned like 30 cents since. What a waste of time and energy. Time to research hosters that allow both.
BTW, your inbox is full again.
Terafile said:You must be on PPS at the time of a sale to earn it. You can change your plan on the affiliate settings page...
Well that sucks, seeing as how my account was originally ON the PPS plan, shortly before the sale and has only earned like 30 cents since. What a waste of time and energy. Time to research hosters that allow both.
BTW, your inbox is full again.
Dear CK13,^Check to see if Security Lock is disabled, if not try to disable it then change minimum payout.
Thanks for responding!Change your plan to PPS and try again.
Sorry for the mess, minimum PayPal request is $50. You can request $15 via Webmoney as well.
Nice Decision!
Even Terafile Rep. doesn't know the changed Terms!
Please change your homepage accordingly.