Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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zoug100, 1TB. Contact me if you need more ;)

I saw now your post here


6257.0GB of data hosted, while earning 20 bucks in a month. Your account is now history :0

Ok, i will not use so much storage. I need much less (a bit less than 1 TB), but is it true that you ban accounts if they dont bring sales?

I have to know this before i start, because i 'm planning to use Terafile in pornbb and forumophilia and Terafile links are not many in those forums and maybe sales will not be very good at the beginning.

So, i can't be working having in my mind that you may ban my account for low earnings at any moment.
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You will have at least 30 days before the ban. After your account is limited you will have 5 days to lift the ban / prevent your files deleted.
We had accounts used 50TB of storage and having $100 monthly - the ban have been applied after 2 months of such activity. So no rush.

You must understand that hosting 100TB of data will cost us at least $1500 monthly, that's why keeping accounts consuming that much of data is nonsense. Also you should know that some uploaders earn $2000 monthly having only 1TB of data, so everything is possible :)
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You will have at least 30 days before the ban. After your account is limited you will have 5 days to lift the ban / prevent your files deleted.
We had accounts used 50TB of storage and having $100 monthly - the ban have been applied after 2 months of such activity. So no rush.

You must understand that hosting 100TB of data will cost us at least $1500 monthly, that's why keeping accounts consuming that much of data is nonsense. Also you should know that some uploaders earn $2000 monthly having only 1TB of data, so everything is possible :)

Maybe you can ask someone ,how to manage a filesharing website?
What you do is nonsense and against your own TOS. Give 500gb for new users and ,if he/she getting sales than give more space. That much easy and no one will call you cheater....
Now take it easy!! This ain't no personal attack to one individual, okaaay?

my account was blocked and I do not know the reason ((( TF answer to my question PM

I was telling you that they are cheaters and liers.
Terafile is history.

6257.0GB of data hosted, while earning 20 bucks in a month. Your account is now history :)

Yes,because you steal all my sales,like and other peoples sales,cheaters.
All uploaders going away from you.
Just look at pbb and ophilia..no more terafile links....


Good day to you all, my names Lester here to warn you these lairs will ditch you like a sack of sh+t. :x:

TerrorFile with the sneaky underhanded sh+t you pull on your affiliates with wide spread bans on accounts with no clear warnings or explanations is all coming to light and you won't survive long in this game, but I don't really care, I'm not here for warn you of your ways. You should be gone if such claims I've read are true. Ditch the b+tch people.

Ban on fetish content with no notification to little waning of rule change; No news blasts via emails or clear notification on your news feeds (hidden away probably or put in place as recent as today) to all your affiliates warning them of impending rule changes beforehand. Rather then persevering and finding ways and solutions to get around these new rules like K2S have done, you prefer the option of getting bitch slapped and fall in line with whatever state law says what's allowed and what isn't. To warn affiliates and change your business model for the better, one that benefits all and adapt to how things are now is clearly far beyond the capabilities of TeraFile. In this climate of poisonous gob shite's and the never ending tactical games to undermine the file share business, you will not survive long in this game for very long. Clearly you (Terafile) are a business looking to earn quick monies for the short term and f++k over anyone you want as long as you get to keep your filthy, filthy murky $ the good unsuspecting hard working individuals such as yourselves the world over make for an unscrupulous file hosting service such as Terafile.

Without us, you wouldn't have a business to begin with! :facepalm:

Yep, I got burned by these cheats and you know, I was pretty mad about it, but I became mad at myself when a couple days after I got canned by cheats at Terrorfile, I found out Terrorfile used to be called scLumfile, that's right.., Lumfile.:x: I've heard some bad murky sh+t surrounding Lumfile:x: from one other particular uploader's hang out, so murky in fact, you lot here would ditch em too. Whether or not its true its quite suspicious to me why Lumfile :x: would change their name. :139:

I saw comments from here too Lumfile:x: were conning their affiliates (more then usual then any other thread in this section last year) but that's nothing new is it. I want to know TF, why did you change from Scum..., er..Lumfile:x: to TeraFile? I want to know.

Honestly, if I only knew, if only I knew I would have ditch ya like hot sh+te. To be associated by the likes of you sickens me to the core. Lumfile. :x: I would post a link to the place where such claims about Lumfile:x: where made, but can't locate their forum or URL. I promise when I find the link, I will post it if I'm able to return here and then we'll see.

TeraFile; You're not squeezed in between the big heavy weights the likes of RG, UL and relatively new to the game Keep2Shite like so many start ups and crappy services are these days, you're on the outside.

With these odds, weaker hosts who promises PPD pay outs (Pay Per Download) are likely to con you of your cash in the end. Its just isn't sustainable, believe me.

So, I'd jump ship if I were you, but my reasoning would NOT...will not be because of they are cheating on their affiliates, NO!

Don't say "eye day effing warn yeow." cos like so many have, I frigging did.

Good day scLumFile/TerrorFile.:x: and Good day to all of you. :sun:

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thanks for this " the world is bad " comment, Fester

the truth:

i'm satisfied with terafile results.
(except they start shaving, or don't pay punctually)

maybe in need of improvement: TF owner must work & communicate more affiliate friendly
and uploader can post more terafile links worldwide = multiplication of sales

i work with terafile because most of other filehosts have really technical and financial problems.
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today I reached $15, made request for payment. It shows minimum payout $50 for paypal.
Your terms is showing $15 is a minimum payout for paypal. This is very funny at your side.
My user : 9rasna
Please approve my request.
today I reached $15, made request for payment. It shows minimum payout $50 for paypal.
Your terms is showing $15 is a minimum payout for paypal. This is very funny at your side.
My user : 9rasna
Please approve my request.

:facepalm: :-= LOL.

What an complete and utter horse bollocks this is. Global minimal payouts set at 15 quid in TOS and it hits you in the face like flying horse shit from a spinning turbine. PayPal at 50 quid. Ugh! They won't pay ya. They'll come up with some sort of excuse or something.

Added after 2 minutes:

Wired spam prevention going off here, so I'll further edit this post and add the link like I promised. I am a man of my word.

I experiencing cloudflare rubbish my end so I don't know if they removed the thread. This is the right link, I'm sure.


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today I reached $15, made request for payment. It shows minimum payout $50 for paypal.
Your terms is showing $15 is a minimum payout for paypal. This is very funny at your side.
My user : 9rasna
Please approve my request.

You can change it here Terafile.co - Secure, robust &amp reliable
Thanks for helping me!
I know that link!
I have set it on $15, and in past I got $15.04 in my paypal.
Surprisingly, till Terafile has not replied.
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