Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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I don't care about debrid services. What about my second question? Why didn't you inform your customers about the changes?
Why did you ban my account?
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i have growing sales with terafile ... similar growing terafile links worldwide

thanks @all terafile uploaders

but i can't understand all " $7.4183 " sales in stats

this are 50% of ... ???

(can't find a $14.xx premium offer)
i get one sale of 7.48 USD in 18 days.. and when yesterday i switch to PPD ..i got another 7.48USD sale...what is this? this is not fair
.. at the moment terafile have same sales ratio like Ryushare (in good old times)

if you wish unshaved rapidgator results, simply post more TERAFILE links worldwide:fly:

since months terafile is trustable & have higher alexa rank as other competitors.

nevertheless one question:

if we see a reduction of "Available to withdraw"

what can be reasons?
see yourself and understand what i am trying to say,,

no sale when i was in PPD mode..and when i switch to PPS , i got a sale, and now look at my PPD stats
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We don't pay for premium downloads since June, that's is the reason.
Maybe this is reason why my PPD stats too low now >.<, but i thinks that's not all, cause i'm posting in the sites have ul.to and rapidgator is main, only me upload to terafile (not includes ul & rg) >.<

P/s: if you need, i can give to you proof for compare TF with others host :(
6257.0GB of data hosted, while earning 20 bucks in a month. Your account is now history :)

Omg Man!
How you can tell something like that? Terafile have bad reputation everywhere and peoples not buying terafile premium, why it is the affiliates fault?
I got 1 sale in a last month and 30+ with k2s for the same period,even terafile links are placed on the top. Now you going to bann my account ,just because your filehost is terible?

Just a little info ,if you want to bann accounts with this reason, than you should update the affiliate page on your website and also the first post of this topic. You need to mentione that affiliates with low earnings will get banned etc.
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