Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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My refferal maded $71.73548


I got $1.04303 USD

Is this 5% ?

And this is happening from 25 May ... before that, it was all okay.

You are not replying to my messages too. :(

When we pay 30% from resellers we don't charge referrers, I think this is the cause.
My refferal maded $71.73548


I got $1.04303 USD

Is this 5% ?

And this is happening from 25 May ... before that, it was all okay.

You are not replying to my messages too. :(

When we pay 30% from resellers we don't charge referrers, I think this is the cause.

You have such a huge options of payment , and in last pages i read your replies that only resellers are making your account sell, your payment procedures are not working and 10 days now , every day he earn more then 50$ + and i got only 1 , or 1.something $ :(

I am on PPS , is this because I was on PPD plan ? Does the plan need to match with referrals ?
Your refs earned ~600USD since 25May, you have $31 in your stats. What is your problem? Any further questions please send via PM. I don't like discussing account details in the public.
@Terafile can you explain this:
Terafile place____Number of filehosts used____Adjustment

Does it mean that if i have a post with 4 hosts and terafile is the first i get 20% extra at payout or what?
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