Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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Is there something wrong with the stats?
Today i earned considerably less than the other days even if my download were the same, even higher.
Anyone else experiencing this "issue"?
Hi guys!

We are looking to attract the high-skilled people who can run our support threads on national forums in different languages.

The current list of countries:

- Germany
- Russia
- France
- Spain
- Italy
- Sweden
- Japan
- Turkey

We offer you a paying job in our team: you will post the updates, answer to uploaders questions etc.
If you are interested, please send me a PM including your forum profile URL where you consider to start working.
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wroser: Your account is not limited for uploads: 8130855.1 Mb of 1000 GB

Sir i said can u please active my premium with my froozen account balance please... so i can start uploading again .....

Added after 2 Hours 9 minutes:

Or please Cancle my payout Request So i can buy my premium
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hello Terafile

can you add 30days premium fisrt month

username : satollo25

ps. how much free user download limit? they can download almost 1 file bigger than 1024mb?
Hi guys,

Today Intporn 2.0 announced Terafile.co as a recommended filehost :fly:

Please upgrade my account username: fotlglgzn


Added after 7 minutes:

wroser: Your account is not limited for uploads: 8130855.1 Mb of 1000 GB

Sir i said can u please active my premium with my froozen account balance please... so i can start uploading again .....

Added after 2 Hours 9 minutes:

Or please Cancle my payout Request So i can buy my premium

Hi wroser,

I've just added a premium to your acc.
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