Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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please expedite my payment
that I have to wait 14 days in addition to
payment for my build
again I have to wait 2-5 days to get paid
via webmoney
I need it urgently pay today!
user: mateuriko
Hello Terafile,

What is this mean? I have just tried to download some files
You have reached the download-limit: 20000 Mb for last 1 days. This is file owner limitation.

Anyone be careful with this host. They can ban your account anytime with any reason. My acc reach 10TB, and they are want to try banned my acc. Stole my money.

Terafile is scam host.
satune said:
Terafile said:
Legal porn allowed.

So why are you banned my account ?. I upload porn movie. You sent to me email :

Dear Terafile user,

The following adult content is not allowed to upload: Rape

As a result we have disabled the access to the following files:

Download ACD166 mp4 001
Download ACD166 mp4 005
Download ACD166 mp4 004
Download ACD166 mp4 003
Download ACD166 mp4 006
Download ACD166 mp4 002

Please note that your account may be banned according to our Terms of Service.

So, do do watch that film. How do you know it is rape.

Please read our ToS. Any host please be careful with "satune".
satune said:
So why are you banned my account ?. I upload porn movie. You sent to me email :

Dear Terafile user,

The following adult content is not allowed to upload: Rape

As a result we have disabled the access to the following files:

Download ACD166 mp4 001
Download ACD166 mp4 005
Download ACD166 mp4 004
Download ACD166 mp4 003
Download ACD166 mp4 006
Download ACD166 mp4 002

Please note that your account may be banned according to our Terms of Service.

So, do do watch that film. How do you know it is rape.

Please read our ToS. Any host please be careful with "satune".

I upload this file for one year ago , and now my acc reach 10Tb, they found any reason to ban my account. I use 4 hosts, only terafile banned my acc because this file.

Terafile don't forget, I uploaded this file to lumfile. When terafile buy lumfile, I deleted this file.

And Today, I got mail, warning your account has been banned because this file.

Let see the behavior of terafile with their users. Terafile can banned your acc with any reason, stole money, show private massage user sent to them for anyone.

Maybe in future, they can show your info.

I think they are banned my account because I have no sale for 5 month, my acc reach 10TB. I have 500 downloads per day, but no sale.

When I change to PPD , I got sale, but when I change to PPS, no sale begin again.

Be careful with terafile.

Terafile is real scam host.

You didn't want to have your message go to the public? So why did you start that first?
It doesn't matter where or when you uploaded your files. The files were hosted on terafile, they been online all that time. And despite your account has 10TB hosted and you did only $30 monthly - the true reason of your permanent ban is still the same as before. We pay penalties per each rape/incest other illegal staff removed, now our invoice is 50EUR bigger because of you! I don't think its worth to have a deal with you.

Now files are removed, account is banned.
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