Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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Dear Terafile.
Why you banned my account? I have contacted the admin but my tickets is closed. Please give me more information why is my account banned. I make a lot of money for terafile and I banned my account for no reason.
Username: njckmum

bro dont make us scary :(
did they banned you without reason ,are you sure?
i am planning to make terafile my longlife file host
are you sure you never did something wrong?
please check my accoutn
my ref is lethee
i cant see even he has registered under me

I think you will see your referral when he starts to earn something

Added after 8 minutes:


Please look at the picture my questions are there :



The hold period on this filehost is 2 weeks. So, in "Avaiable to withdraw" you will see your money after two weeks from the date of earnings. Minimal payot 15$.
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SeeingMole Done
kemalettin67 We display only active referrals, he should earn at least a penny.
nguoicoitren Crypted files, l ix . in crypted links, seems like CP. Your account was banned. Provide some proofs if you going to say you're sharing music or videos.
gunter25 Look 100 pixels above and see this text: "Payout terms: Transaction amount is available after 14 days of its original date." :)
SeeingMole Done
kemalettin67 We display only active referrals, he should earn at least a penny.
nguoicoitren Crypted files, l ix . in crypted links, seems like CP. Your account was banned. Provide some proofs if you going to say you're sharing music or videos.
gunter25 Look 100 pixels above and see this text: "Payout terms: Transaction amount is available after 14 days of its original date." :)

lum930 and terafile ,i got it
thanks a lot
please write a short note for others ,this small detail .
i was thinking why and worried ;)

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I think you will see your referral when he starts to earn something

Added after 8 minutes:


Please look at the picture my questions are there :



The hold period on this filehost is 2 weeks. So, in "Avaiable to withdraw" you will see your money after two weeks from the date of earnings. Minimal payot 15$.

You mean, From now I have to wait 2 weeks then I can request my money and after that i have to 4-5 days more to see that money in my wallet ?


At all ,

How much monthly I can request ? 30$ ? 100$ ? 300$ ? or without any limit ?
I think you will see your referral when he starts to earn something

Added after 8 minutes:

The hold period on this filehost is 2 weeks. So, in "Avaiable to withdraw" you will see your money after two weeks from the date of earnings. Minimal payot 15$.

You mean, From now I have to wait 2 weeks then I can request my money and after that i have to 4-5 days more to see that money in my wallet ?


At all ,

How much monthly I can request ? 30$ ? 100$ ? 300$ ? or without any limit ?

faster earn faster got paid
i was also angry to this rule
but its a control system of tera,he control and check all downloads so we need to wait
so if you earn fast 20 30 dollars maybe in 2 3 days ,so after 14 days you can get that money
its still kind of strange rule
because whatever happen our money always will stay in terafile host wallet
but rule is rule and the most trustful ppd is terafile now
he is the best
SeeingMole Done
kemalettin67 We display only active referrals, he should earn at least a penny.
nguoicoitren Crypted files, l ix . in crypted links, seems like CP. Your account was banned. Provide some proofs if you going to say you're sharing music or videos.
gunter25 Look 100 pixels above and see this text: "Payout terms: Transaction amount is available after 14 days of its original date." :)

Dear Terafile
I have provided the evidence that I am not upload CP
Please check pm
I expect an answer from you
Thank you!

I want to remote upload by terafile.co but it has a problem.

If i close the window the remote upload also be canceled , so i have to have opened the window

But it sometimes be frized ,why ?
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