Terabit.to anyone try it?

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I'm starting betting in bookmaker sites instead of this shitty filehosts, I made 100€ in the first day very easily , working with filehost is a real waste of time guyz !!!
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hello guyz,

I do not understand why terabit is banned here !!!
terabit is one of the best newcomer-host in 2012. i use it on my own site cK and many people they load from terabit like this hoster.

SO PLEASE WJUNCTION - unban TERABIT for Support in this Forum
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Yes, he paid out.

And please WJ end-close Terabit.to on this Board for Support.

You have not done anything wrong, are reliable and reputable

Thanks :)

PS: Here a proof for WJ

Found in a Forum.
Epic post ever!!!

Yes, he paid out.

And please WJ end-close Terabit.to on this Board for Support.

You have not done anything wrong, are reliable and reputable

Thanks :)

PS: Here a proof for WJ
Found in a Forum.

This is guy is the REAL pirate.
He gets money from piracy and blows them in a casino instantly. Argh!
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