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Hey Guys i am in need of money so i decided i will teach 3 people my SEO method which have been working for me very well and have given me good results in fast speed and almost most results have always been stable and passed multiple google updates in last few months

i will give you a skype/yahoo session and take all your doubts
while teaching u all small tricks i use and how i do it in step by step which achieve me really nice and good fast stable results

i will only teach to 3 people
and please do not share the method as that would lead to google even killing this simple method

after having this session from me i can assure you that you will feel seo to be really easy and effective

i have seo'd few sites in past with this method and all achieved me fine and good results

with this method you can easy seo almost any type of site
*and sites representing companies which have very less text my method works on them too (such as hosting companies and services sites)

so yes you can easily learn it and make loads of money over time with it.. as seo is usualy time taking but really effective
my method requires you to spend about 5hours a week(user intraction) on 1 website for proper doing

with proper implementation and time given you can setup multiple sites with good rankings and make lots of money making websites

Price oF this valueable teaching class is
[strike]Special Offer 200$ for first one as review copy[/strike] SOLD TO EvolutionHackerxz ;)

first person 250$
second and third 350$
i will be taking all your doubts and help you how to do it all properly
here is one screenshot of one seo'd site by me using this method.. onjly 1 month of seo.. and havnt seo'd for whole 3 months now still ranking keywords ;)
thats how effective it is ;)


Update (No seo done this was gift by google update hahaha)

spare me for bad english as its not my first language
and english isnt somthing that matters as i am sure, its enough understandable as i am providing instant chat teaching

Purchased his Review Copy.

So far sooo good.. i knew'd this guy since long time, and i know he do some serious and good SEO , as he always comes and talk to me about that.

since i know the SEO i always thinks how is he able to generate such fast results.what all i knew what the traditional SEO stuff which takes alot of dedication,effort,time and yet produces small and less results... i always wanted to learn his methods but as you all know no one share's his knowledge.

so well just a week ago he had a Yahoo status for this post and i read it, at that very moment i buzzed him on yahoo and talked about this teaching method.

well his methods include basics but he Taught a specific way to do it
he started it with keyword research to the end with tips to recover from update
i started working on 2 keywords and have started seeing them on quite improvement already
i also learnt his pr method but i have yet to try it because there is no news on next pr update by google
in short yes i am happy with both methods i learnt from him both method seems to be quite effective and seems satisfing enough.
pagerank method he taught ... i am sure it will work... i have not tried it yet as there was no pr update yet by google.. but the method seems satisfactory and i guess should work as it includes nothing out of world most of common things we can miss...this thread is about his seo method so as i said he did not taught much about onsite seo only 3-4 points in onsite seo but changes he did to my usualy seo offsite method was somthing i was missing

and above all he also gave me tips on how to recover with stability even if i get hit by google update. though yet i havnt seen downfall in ranking

vouch for this guy and his method :fly:.. Recommended!! i can say that it works well enough and is satisfactory

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my own website "" seo'd for 1 month... ranking on keyword "monthly SEO" and many other keywords.. and its on first position on yahoo and bing for many keywords too!!
i havnt seo'd this website for over month and half now.. and its ranking still remain :) keywords did fell but which is obvious that if you stop seo activities to NIL the rankings will fall slowly
there are other websites too of some clients in past
will share them in private to interested people
i dont really understood your question
if you are asking like "you much i charge for seo'ing some webite"
it really depends on niche and keywords and requirements
but due to exams and studies i am not doing any seo for next 2 months

Added after 3 Days 1:


Added after 9 Days 18 Hours:

Still Teaching :)
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I'm interesting but, can we chargeback if we don't trust/like your seo method? And you've to give more information. Is it about on-site seo? Or about buying high quality backlinks? What?
no you cannot charge back lol .... xD you liking my method has nothing to do with its working does it?
its both onsite and offsite... i will tell you step by step what i do and what you need to do and it will get you results... i already sold review copy waiting for that guy to post review i will buzz him on yahoo xD :)
this method is simple and its just mixxed with my couple techniques and tricks to make it google safe and to make it far more effective and working :)

Added after 16 minutes:

btw update in rankings
wihtout any seo
this was rankings after last google update ;)
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Purchased his Review Copy.

Price oF this valueable teaching class is
[strike]Special Offer 200$ for first one as review copy[/strike] SOLD TO EvolutionHackerxz ;)


Purchased his Review Copy.

So far sooo good.. i knew'd this guy since long time, and i know he do some serious and good SEO , as he always comes and talk to me about that.

since i know the SEO i always thinks how is he able to generate such fast results.what all i knew what the traditional SEO stuff which takes alot of dedication,effort,time and yet produces small and less results... i always wanted to learn his methods but as you all know no one share's his knowledge.

so well just a week ago he had a Yahoo status for this post and i read it, at that very moment i buzzed him on yahoo and talked about this teaching method.

well his methods include basics but he Taught a specific way to do it
he started it with keyword research to the end with tips to recover from update
i started working on 2 keywords and have started seeing them on quite improvement already
i also learnt his pr method but i have yet to try it because there is no news on next pr update by google
in short yes i am happy with both methods i learnt from him both method seems to be quite effective and seems satisfing enough.
pagerank method he taught ... i am sure it will work... i have not tried it yet as there was no pr update yet by google.. but the method seems satisfactory and i guess should work as it includes nothing out of world most of common things we can miss...this thread is about his seo method so as i said he did not taught much about onsite seo only 3-4 points in onsite seo but changes he did to my usualy seo offsite method was somthing i was missing

and above all he also gave me tips on how to recover with stability even if i get hit by google update. though yet i havnt seen downfall in ranking

vouch for this guy and his method :fly:.. Recommended!! i can say that it works well enough and is satisfactory
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