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Just wondering, Is anyone here from Syria i just heard what happened with all the chemical weapons and the US being on the brink of war with Syria,

I don't watch TV much so i was not aware so much is going on.

What is your take on everything ?
Al Assad is also a muslim, what difference does it make? He isn't a dictator he is a good guy that is fighting against terrorism and he doesn't go around having people killed for no reasons. If he did that the death toll would be several times more than 100,000 which is 90% military force from both sides and only 10% of it was civilians of which the rebels did most of the killings.
Al Assad is also a muslim, what difference does it make? He isn't a dictator he is a good guy that is fighting against terrorism and he doesn't go around having people killed for no reasons. If he did that the death toll would be several times more than 100,000 which is 90% military force from both sides and only 10% of it was civilians of which the rebels did most of the killings.

What are you talking about? Why are you so misinformed? Where do you get that information from? Assad is an alwaite ..Please search for what that means...You think terrorism entered syria all of a sudden ? Again misinformed . Assad is and was brutal to his people.The Syrian Population consists of 80% Sunni Muslim majority and most of them don't support him...And when did the rebels become terrorists... ? When did the country's own people become terrorists for standing up for their rights Against tyranny and Oppression.You are seriously misinformed.
Al Assad is also a muslim, what difference does it make? He isn't a dictator he is a good guy that is fighting against terrorism and he doesn't go around having people killed for no reasons. If he did that the death toll would be several times more than 100,000 which is 90% military force from both sides and only 10% of it was civilians of which the rebels did most of the killings.

What are you talking about? Why are you so misinformed? Where do you get that information from? Assad is an alwaite ..Please search for what that means...You think terrorism entered syria all of a sudden ? Again misinformed . Assad is and was brutal to his people.The Syrian Population consists of 80% Sunni Muslim majority and most of them don't support him...And when did the rebels become terrorists... ? When did the country's own people become terrorists for standing up for their rights Against tyranny and Oppression.You are seriously misinformed.

Alwaite is a sect of islam. If the majority of people didn't support Assad he would have been out of power a long time ago and the body count would be much higher. Assad is a good man and all the rebels need to be taken out by a coalition of Syria,US,China and Russia and they should round up every member of the rebel group and execute them
What are you talking about? Why are you so misinformed? Where do you get that information from? Assad is an alwaite ..Please search for what that means...You think terrorism entered syria all of a sudden ? Again misinformed . Assad is and was brutal to his people.The Syrian Population consists of 80% Sunni Muslim majority and most of them don't support him...And when did the rebels become terrorists... ? When did the country's own people become terrorists for standing up for their rights Against tyranny and Oppression.You are seriously misinformed.

Alwaite is a sect of islam. If the majority of people didn't support Assad he would have been out of power a long time ago and the body count would be much higher. Assad is a good man and all the rebels need to be taken out by a coalition of Syria,US,China and Russia and they should round up every member of the rebel group and execute them

Like i said before it's better for you to maintain silence regarding issues that you have no knowledge of.Keep babbling Assad is a good man when he isn't .Secondly No one's supporting American Intervention ..Everybody knows America has it's own dirty game but that doesn't make Assad a saint for what he is doing to his own citizens.i think you are one of those who claim they rebels came from outside syria .This a blatant lie. The issues in syria are NOT to interpreted as one. There are multiple issues.
There is only 1 issue, and its a bunch of terrorists/rebels backed by Saudis trying to overthrow a person that is elected freely and he is trying to stop them from destroying Syria. The world needs to be supporting Assad in fighting terrorism. The rebels are going to make Syria a more religious country with stupid rules.
There is only 1 issue, and its a bunch of terrorists/rebels backed by Saudis trying to overthrow a person that is elected freely and he is trying to stop them from destroying Syria. The world needs to be supporting Assad in fighting terrorism. The rebels are going to make Syria a more religious country with stupid rules.
Do you know what the majority of Syria constitutes?Do you know the crimes of Assad against his own people ? Btw are you a Muslim just asking out of curiosity?
Like i said before rebellion didn't enter syria from outside ..There are multiple issues .If you want to search for it you need to dissect each one of them layer by layer.
So basically if a group of people want to go around shooting cops and military in any nation they should be able to do it, and if the military and police respond its violating human rights? Im a secular person, I dont have time for being conned by any relegion, but I dont care about the religion what the President/Prime Minster is of any place I live in.

The majority of people in syria are sunni but they don't have a problem that Al-Assad is in a sect of the shia relegion. His political party has the majority of seats in Parliament so it shows that they support him.
So basically if a group of people want to go around shooting cops and military in any nation they should be able to do it, and if the military and police respond its violating human rights? Im a secular person, I dont have time for being conned by any relegion, but I dont care about the religion what the President/Prime Minster is of any place I live in.

The majority of people in syria are sunni but they don't have a problem that Al-Assad is in a sect of the shia relegion. His political party has the majority of seats in Parliament so it shows that they support him.
What you said is Partly true and the rest you need to search from the right sources. ;)And that is up to you whether you choose to look for it or Not?
My problem with any kind of intervention in Syria is that nothing will improve in short or even mid-term perspective.

What exactly is an intervention guaranteed to do?

In my very humble opinion it is guaranteed to
  • Kill a whole bunch of innocent civilians
  • Increase the power of radical islamists (because, you know, power vacuup + increased anti-westernism/anti-americanism)
  • Vastly increase anti-american/anti-western attitudes
  • Destabilize the region even further
  • Provoke strikes against Israel (whatever you think about Israel, this time it's not even them intervening in Syria, so people will be killed, essentially, for no reason)
  • Further increase human rights abuse in Syria

I don't think those things are something we want on our hands.

It's a nasty situation.
1. The government does give out grants for homes like that but people have to file the paperwork for a grant
http://1.usa (dot) gov /eufn3x
2. They aren't talking about sending money to rebuild Syria they are talking about air strikes.
I know but this is for the people who don't know anything and believes the Government. They can't even fix their own country and they go on fixing other countries.
Meh the United States is doing just fine. Trust that one.

#1, the only reason Detroit filed Bankruptcy is because of corruption and greed within the city with a mixture of some economic issues.

#2, the city looks like shit because of #1 and because the Government doesn't pay to have homes fixed, but instead demolished.

Homes in the poverty stricken parts Detroit will be demolished soon enough, people have moved on, the ones that stay are primarily gang bangers and individuals who aren't worth a fuck (aren't worth a fucks are people who don't want to do shit except for steal copper and collect free money :))) and will be forced to re-locate once the demolitions of entire blocks begin.
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I think the world is a safer place as long as US,Israel,France,UK and Russia are there otherwise we have all been butchered by Muslims.
Unlike the rest of us who teach children appreciate life.. muslims are tought to blow themselves up for 72 virgins and rivers of honey
what the frak is that ? Look at pakistan afghanistan lebanon syria saudi arabia pretyy much the whole middle east..Terrorist breed there... One of these days I am going to be president of Israel and set middle east straight.
There not all bread to be terrorists, only extremists believe in such things.

I will say this though. The majority of Muslim regions have been living in poverty, warfare and complete disarray for a long long long time now. Much longer before the United States was ever even discovered.

Don't want to get much more into it, because people are overly sensitive and being in the position I'm in I have to be careful. No offense is intended by my following comments.

I firmly believe it's an issue with the way the world is designed and the structure of the system. The system is money and success and working hard and doing things right. In an American or civilized life if you try to abide by the strict religious laws set in the Muslim religion, you are automatically put at a disadvantage if your a Woman. Your also severely disadvantaged if your a man. That religion allows any other religion basically an exceeding advantage, which has translated over into what we have today. Poverty stricken zones with women who can't leave countries, who are getting killed for going to school, who can't take off veils, who are being oppressed. (Will not speak any further now).
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