SUBYSHARE.COM 60% PPS /Ranking system

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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]@[/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]dataporter2016 : we fixed it ,now you can upload any files with other languages such as Japanese ,Chinese , non [/FONT]alphabet characters ...[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] [/FONT]
@Sunny23 : why dont you use Drag drop upload ?Go to Filemanager , drag your files into it and drop ,upload it and you can see the progress bar there.
@Sunny23 : why dont you use Drag drop upload ?Go to Filemanager , drag your files into it and drop ,upload it and you can see the progress bar there.

I am using drag drop method. All I see at the very bottom left hand corner 1% 2% and etc.

Get the script that show the actual progress bar.
@lamrini : we cant , depend on the sales generated each month ,we will make some adjustment to each countries.

Update : We have just deployed the new image hosting for our customers and uploaders here .still in beta mode ,affiliate program will be opened soon .

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-Please register and inbox me to active your account first.
-Upload is working fine ,you can use our new image hosting to store your images now.
-Affiliate program will be opened soon .
-All other parts will be completed soon .
-Kindly please report us if you got any bugs ,errors...

Thank you very much.
what is the Security lock on account page? and SB Cooper on affiliate page?

what is the Security lock on account page? and SB Cooper on affiliate page? i can't change to x2 PPD:facepalm:
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@lamrini : It's downloads from premium accounts ,does not mean purchased from you
@play : Security lock : locked , no one can change your info such as email , payment info...Your aff is changed now.
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