SUBYSHARE.COM 60% PPS /Ranking system

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Sorry, but im not a newbie in the scene. I've used for years and one day they cuted my storage to 8 tb - at this time i had about 10 eur per day through PPD. At was a lot of work for nothing. So pls tell me what to reach for what storage. You can also write me a pm if you want to. I don't want to waste my time, so i need hard facts. Thanks in advance.
Keep sales daily ,we can keep your storage .With 2-3 sales/daily and more,we can support your 10-50TB storage and more.
You again changed my tariff plan, why?! - if I buy another two-year premium code for you you will return me back to my tariff plan that I had before
my username rocky1984

We agreed that I will have a tariff plan for downloading x2ppd

I spent 260 dollars on buying premium codes to be on this tariff plan, and Me what to sue you in arbitration webmoney on you?!
I'm fed up with your quirks

Added after 5 Hours 28 minutes:

I filed a lawsuit against you, tomorrow I will deposit a deposit and the trial will begin

Added after 4 Days 19 Hours:

today I earned a sale on your file hosting service, you do not want to return me back to the tariff plan x2ppd?
tickets Access denied
Please open a access in the tickets, if you do not want to me access to the x2ppd, then this is your right, I will not insist on this, I will then work at your sales rate
username rocky1984
Brother please answer me, do not ignore please
I did not file a lawsuit against you since I consider your file sharing to be the most honest about sales, I will wait 2 weeks my earned money, I hope they will come and we will cooperate further with you

I did not file a lawsuit against you since I consider your file sharing to be the most honest about sales, I will wait 2 weeks my earned money, I hope they will come and we will cooperate further with you

Added after 8 Days 3 Hours:

You again changed my tariff plan, why?! - if I buy another two-year premium code for you you will return me back to my tariff plan that I had before
my username rocky1984

We agreed that I will have a tariff plan for downloading x2ppd

I spent 260 dollars on buying premium codes to be on this tariff plan, and Me what to sue you in arbitration webmoney on you?!
I'm fed up with your quirks

Added after 5 Hours 28 minutes:

I filed a lawsuit against you, tomorrow I will deposit a deposit and the trial will begin

Added after 4 Days 19 Hours:

today I earned a sale on your file hosting service, you do not want to return me back to the tariff plan x2ppd?
tickets Access denied
Please open a access in the tickets, if you do not want to me access to the x2ppd, then this is your right, I will not insist on this, I will then work at your sales rate
username rocky1984
Brother please answer me, do not ignore please
I did not file a lawsuit against you since I consider your file sharing to be the most honest about sales, I will wait 2 weeks my earned money, I hope they will come and we will cooperate further with you

I did not file a lawsuit against you since I consider your file sharing to be the most honest about sales, I will wait 2 weeks my earned money, I hope they will come and we will cooperate further with you

Hello, I can ask you to transfer me to the tariff plan for downloading x2ppd?
I wrote to you on the forum and got here such an answer

my username rocky1984
You have blocked me access to tickets and do not respond in Skype and ICQ

Please return me tariff plan x2ppd
Please open a access in the tickets on the future
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when will I get my money?
two weeks already passed

​my username rocky1984

tickets Access denied
Please open a access in the tickets on the future
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@tolik23081999 : paid already .

Newest Update : x2ppd plan is freely opened now for anyone who want to join and play with PPD only .You can switch between ranking system or x2PPD only.
@tolik23081999 : paid already
Many thanks, money came to the wallet
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]tickets Access denied[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Please open a access in the tickets on the future

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]my username [/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]rocky1984[/FONT]
I got threatened to get prosecuted on download illegal porn because of


I got threatened to get prosecuted on download illegal porn because of provide extensive information to the uploader. It happened a few months ago. At first, I was really scared, but after consulting two different solicitors. I knew I had nothing to worry about and therefore I am here to share my story.

I never heard of subyshare before until I come across a website It had tons of BDSM movies download. They’re for member only and I need to buy a subyshare premium account under Blog owner referral to gain access to his blog . The movies are all hosted by subyshare. Everything works great on DAY1. On DAY2, the blog owner claimed the download history provided by subyshare showed that I had download too much and he blocked me to access his blog.

It’s just 20 USD, really not a big deal for me. There is lots of greater porn deals on idealgasm. I will move on and go somewhere else because I had tons of alternative. I did not bother to reply him anyway.

However, 2 days later I got another e-mail from the blog owner. He told me he checked the download history provided by subyshare and he saw me downloaded illegal porn from it. He claimed he got the evidence provided by subyshare, including my ip address and download time.
He asked me to buy another 365 days account under his referral or otherwise he will report it to the local police.
Wth is that? Are u kidding me? I asked him what do you means ‘illegal porn’? His answer is Child porn. Wow, I was shocked when he is telling me that.

I don’t know if I am the first one got ripped off in this way.
I think subyshare should do something to prevent it from happening again.
@NeedHelp : you are slandering us

-1)we do not allow to upload CP ,underage contents to our servers so you can not /did not download it from our servers and certainly , you did not do it .
-2)we do not provide our logs to anyone , he can check his files downloaded by who ,from where only so he can not /never see/know what you downloaded from other uploaders' files.
-3)if you have proof what he sent to you about this ,please send it to us to check .
@tolik23081999 : paid already .

Newest Update : x2ppd plan is freely opened now for anyone who want to join and play with PPD only .You can switch between ranking system or x2PPD only.

I'm unable to switch Affiliate Mode. Every time I pick x2 PPD and click Save Setting, it goes back to SB Cooper.

Username: chibchakan
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I'm unable to switch Affiliate Mode. Every time I pick x2 PPD and click Save Setting, it goes back to SB Cooper.[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Username: magodhahaha[/FONT]
Update : some accounts got ban automatically due to multi login failed repeatedly .Let contact us to unblock it ,please protect your account better .

My request for payout on 2017-10-30 is still pending. It is already more than 14 days. Could you please help me check that? My affiliate ID 71453.

Furthermore, more important, I plan to only use Subyshare, but before that I need your support and collaboration. My previous results and my requests are described in Support Ticket #6295, and I am still waiting for your answer. Please check it and give me feedback, as my new website will start working soon. And please believe me, my special contents will bring a good profit for both you and me.
@iRicherFFF : sorry for lately reply . DONE . Please continue to discuss with me by reply the email ticket sent to your email , not need to create a new one.

WJ now does not send new notifications about this thread to my email so I did not know .
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