StreamZ - Video Hosting, 50$, adult, fast payout, HD, 4K, API, Subtitles ...

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This is what is showing instead of a lot of my videos!!! Zebras, nature, animals, Africa...

I am losing my money because of you!!!

The link of one such file (but there are many, huge quantity of broken ones!):

Fix this ASAP and recompense me my money!

I find instead of my links I get videos about nature or clickbait videos for telegram or instagram. almost all my links are gone with this shit, no support, no response, at this point from what I read it is a general thing of many others you have experienced this problem, not just me.
I think it is appropriate not to utlize anymore, my site is not a Savannah Zoo, fuck. :laughing::laughing:
We all know that streamzz belong to kinox, isnt it strange, that kinox didnt use it anymore? payments are late, animal-clip on a delete file (maybe they must do something) to uphold the traffic and clicks for advertisment insteadof a regular 404-Page... no answers on support-emails nothing. i think the fat lady has sing.
Now all the videos are showing the message that there is a problem with stream and asking users to disable adblock.

Something Fishy going on here !!

nah dude I don't think so, maybe for new uploads, the old links at least to me, are gone, mostly all replaced with a few minute animal documentaries, some completely removed, some with a video I think scam with links to istargram and telegram. I stopped using it, I feel I am being taken for a ride.

thanks for the tips. We are currently having a problem with the delivery of the videos as we are still waiting for a new raid controller. (Delivery problems).
We will fix the problem as soon as possible and of course compensate for the downtime of the last days.
I have a plenty of the broken links. Will you restore these files where we can see animals now?
And what about 5% bonus (I have attached a screenshot before) and my regular payment?
I have a plenty of the broken links. Will you restore these files where we can see animals now?
And what about 5% bonus (I have attached a screenshot before) and my regular payment?
We all have the links old replaced with these animals xD I hope so because I uploads so much, but I don't believe it.
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