STREAMLAND.TO /|\ HLS Streaming /|\ HD 720P /|\ EARN MONEY

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Active Member

you don't know us yet? Let's change that!

About Us

We are an aspiring Platform, that brings fast Video streaming for EVERYONE!
Our Goal is to make a Platform that's good for Everyone!

Main Features

Fast encoding
PPV Program / Earn upto 25$ / 10k Views
Legal Adult content is allowed!

Cheap Plans to host your Files without Ads
7% Referral Bonus
Unlimited Storage -> NEW No file expiring


Is Porn allowed?
Sure, you are allowed to upload any LEGAL Porn

Is hot linking allowed?
No, it's not.

HLS Streaming?
Yes! :)

How I get Accounnt without Ads?
Contact us! All Infos can you find HERE.

Can I use FTP Upload?
No, we currently don't have this Option.
Use the Z-o-o-m File and Image Uploader instead! It's pretty dope!

Do you have a Test Video for me?

What's the minimum Payout amount?
Just 25$

Do you pay in Bitcoin?
Yes, we offer Bitcoin and PayPal

My Views come from an Country that is not listed, is there a reward?
Yes, we reward 4$ per 10.000 Views for not listed Countries

How to contact us?
Feel free to Contact us here or use our Contact form at our Website.

So what are you waiting for? Join us
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you don't know us yet? Let's change that!

About Us

We are an aspiring Platform, that brings fast Video streaming for EVERYONE!
Our Goal is to make a Platform that's good for Everyone!

Main Features

Fast encoding
PPV Program / Earn upto 25$ / 10k Views
We don't delete your files in case of DMCA!
Legal Adult content is allowed!
Affiliate+ and Master Affiliate for Huge Uploaders and Webmasters
7% Referral Bonus
Unlimited Storage

DMCA IGNORED? That won't work!

Trust us, it will! It's not just ignoring it at our side!
We have a Strategy to get around it!


Is Porn allowed?
Sure, you are allowed to upload any LEGAL Porn

Is hot linking allowed?
No, it's not.

How I become Affiliate+ / Master Affiliate
Contact us! We send you the requirements.

Can I use FTP Upload?
No, we currently don't have this Option.
Use the Z-o-o-m File and Image Uploader instead! It's pretty dope!

Do you have a Test Video for me?

What's the minimum Payout amount?
Just 20$ with Crypto

Do you pay in Bitcoin?
Yes, we offer Bitcoin, Ethereum, Beam and PayPal(Min 100$)

My Views come from an Country that is not listed, is there a reward?
Yes, we reward 3$ per 10.000 Views for not listed Countries

How to contact us?
Feel free to Contact us here or use our Contact form at our Website.

So what are you waiting for? Join us
What is the commission rate for referral link?
Dear Users,
today we had a critical Server Failure.
All files on fs2 are lost.

We rewarded all users 2$, users that already earned some Money got 5$!
Rates for the next 48 Hours are doubled!

On all just uploaded files occures error:

File Not Found
The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience.
Possible causes of this error could be:
  • The file expired
  • The file was deleted by its owner
  • The file was deleted by administration because it didn't comply with our Terms of Use
On all just uploaded files occures error:

File Not Found
The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience.
Possible causes of this error could be:
  • The file expired
  • The file was deleted by its owner
  • The file was deleted by administration because it didn't comply with our Terms of Use
We had a crititcal Server Failure.
Sorry for that

Dear Users,
today we had a critical Server Failure.
All files on fs2 are lost.

We rewarded all users 2$, users that already earned some Money got 5$!
Rates for the next 48 Hours are doubled!

1) You have to watch the full video to tell the view or what percentage does it count? What percentage must be seen to pay the view?

How long are the videos after the last view?

2) Can they lower the minimum payment? $ 25 is a lot.
It would be fine $ 10.

3)And last question, they plan to implement an adblock system
So that the user deactivates the adblock and can see (therefore win by sight what it really is)

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