Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

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Well thats weird, i thought payments are at the middle and at the end of the month.

Payments are sent on the 15th & 30th. There may be a 1-2 day delay, if those dates fall on a weekend or holiday.

Added after 2 minutes:

Hi Streamin,

My payment is still in pending.

I send you a message about this (few days ago) via your contact page but till now no response.

Sent. Sorry for the delay
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I just want to ask the community about something.

These is for everyone who uses or . Can some one explain to me why the links we add are not accepted? I added a lot of them in the past weeks but 0 ware accepted. Did they change something? can some one explain to me what happened ?


Thank you, and Merry Christmas
Hello, I can not upload the videos because CloudFlare has blocked me:

CloudFlare Ray ID: 19e6deeff6f80c65

Seems to be a problem with CloudFlare, looking into it.

Now another problem...

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Now Works
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CloudFlare blocked ip

Hey there,

From yesterday my ip 37.187.8.* has been blocked from cloudflare. Can you please unblock me?

Error 1006 Ray ID: 19ebcdfbda400300

Access denied

What happened?

The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address (37.187.8.*).

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Hey there,

From yesterday my ip 37.187.8.* has been blocked from cloudflare. Can you please unblock me?

Error 1006 Ray ID: 19ebcdfbda400300

Access denied

What happened?

The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address (37.187.8.*).

Should be fixed now.
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