Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

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Directors of wjunction close this thread this gentleman is a scammer.

Added after 5 minutes:

Already you can ask for forgiveness to all you did not say that your paid that it was legal, you do not know anything fool

We have already asked the moderators to close the thread until payments are sent. Seems some can't wait before calling scam.

Have decided to move back to our bi-weekly system as this has taken too long to setup and isn't working as intended.

How long again will we have to wait for payment? Any estimated date? I hope we won't have to wait for another month. :(
We have already asked the moderators to close the thread until payments are sent. Seems some can't wait before calling scam.

Have decided to move back to our bi-weekly system as this has taken too long to setup and isn't working as intended.

How long again will we have to wait for payment? Any estimated date? I hope we won't have to wait for another month. :(
In case of bi-weekly it should be in 6 days :whistling:
But I don't know if Matt terminated prev. processor.
Directors of wjunction close this thread this gentleman is a scammer.

Added after 5 minutes:

Already you can ask for forgiveness to all you did not say that your paid that it was legal, you do not know anything fool

We have already asked the moderators to close the thread until payments are sent. Seems some can't wait before calling scam.

Have decided to move back to our bi-weekly system as this has taken too long to setup and isn't working as intended.

Please dont close this thread, this is the only place we can hear any information from you (since you are not really care with e-mails).
Whatever system you use, please give us an estimated date the payment will sent. We have waited too long.
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Matt, it will be nice if you bring us an old processor and pay us in some of next few days. I think it's time to pay to those people who wait a lot, and then you go and make that new processor and new kind of daily paying. All best from me. Hope you'll read this. :))
streamin dont close this thread , only way of communication, If moving back to old processor is the only sure do it, does that mean payment starting from 15th ?

Added after 25 minutes:

whats the odds we wont get a update from matt here for another 3 days again ............
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We have already asked the moderators to close the thread until payments are sent. Seems some can't wait before calling scam.

Have decided to move back to our bi-weekly system as this has taken too long to setup and isn't working as intended.

Personally, I still have hope that Streamin is going to pay and that Matt is honest about having issues with the payment system. But having said that, I think it's plain wrong to come on here all indignant because uploaders are crying foul. Many have patiently waited for more than a month for payment and got little or no information and definitely no money. To live in a bubble and expect uploaders not to get more and more concerned is unfair. Many other hosts have gone belly up, some quite suddenly, leaving owing lots of people money. And in many cases, excuses were given with little concrete information -- all obviously no more than "the dog ate my homework" types of excuses -- before the point where the host disappeared altogether. I'm definitely NOT saying this is happening with Streamin, but I am saying this hasn't been dealt with well from Streamin's end and that continues now. As an apology would be nice rather than lashing out at some posters here for using the "S" word and making an effort to close this thread even temporarily. The optics from Streamin's end are very poor.
Business as usual I guess. Good idea but not enough knowledge and resources to keep it running. I always stay away from hosts that offer high payouts. usually it's a scam or simple failure.
i just want to know when you will pay me, because i will use for paying bill to cyberplanet..
actually i can wait more than 1 month like before, but my bill cant wait.. :))

thats why im stay in here
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I find it very hard to continue uploading knowing this situation is still ongoing ,,,His last message should of included when we were getting are payments processed [15th] ?
We are 11 days behind schedule Matthew. Perhaps it would be better if you pay those members that pending PayOuts are $100 and below, that way, you'll be reducing your responsibilities and establishing trust/assurance to the rest of your members as well. Then those with $101-$200 pending, so on and so forth, this way you'll gradually solve THIS problem and this method is way better than doing nothing and just showing up here every after three days saying the same thing. We deserve what we've earned and this is what we worked our asses for, at least do something and we'll understand.
We are 11 days behind schedule Matthew. Perhaps it would be better if you pay those members that pending PayOuts are $100 and below, that way, you'll be reducing your responsibilities and establishing trust/assurance to the rest of your members as well. Then those with $101-$200 pending, so on and so forth, this way you'll gradually solve THIS problem and this method is way better than doing nothing and just showing up here every after three days saying the same thing. We deserve what we've earned and this is what we worked our asses for, at least do something and we'll understand.

It's a very good idea. And the longer you wait to start sending money to people, the more you have to pay and the more payment requests you have to process. And here's another problem, I've been experiencing lately a lot. It's also info for all admins who send bunch of BTC transfers at once. Especially the ones of you who pay like once a month, twice a month. Bitcoins tend to stuck. Sometimes it's a day or two, but often it's like 4, 5 days. This is really weird, cause BTC should be the fastest payment method, but for some reason it is not. I was told by so called experts, that much depends on Bitcoin markets and services that people use, some markets are just overloaded and it makes them slow. The other thing is that BTC rates jump and dive like insane and a couple of days delays often means that the person who is supposed to receive BTC equivalent of money earned in USD, receives much, much less, cause exchange rates changed drastically. So for example, instead reveiving 100 USD that you requested, you will get 80. It happens to me regularly these days, so I prefer avoiding accumulating money and I try to request small amounts more often. And I would like to admit, that at this moment Bitcoin is the only payment option for me. Payza is no more accepted by the banks in which I have accounts, other payment methods simply generate too high additional costs or are not available in my country. So yes, definitely, I'd like to rush and start sending us money, without waiting to their standard dead lines, but just doing some amount of transfers every day. And no, I don't agree that closing this thread would be good. People should know what's going on and potential new users should also realize what they will have to deal with, if they decide to work for this hosting service. Finally, dear admin, who people here call Matt. Here's a little advice for you. If you don't know how to fix or update or whatever your payments thing on your website, please contact owners or admins. They pay people daily, they have tons of payment methods to choose from, they rarely fail, so maybe if you ask them nicely, they will agree to help and explain some basic things to you. Sry everyone for this long post, but honestly "My face is tired" of too much BS I have read so far. Cheers!
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