Should we offer separate rates for Downloads (PPD)?

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Dear Wjunction users, I would like to introduce our Host, StreamHub

SH PPV Rate Rates per 10K views:

United Kingdom
United States


New Zealand

Czech Republic
Hong Kong
Russian Federation


Rules & Features:

  • The minimum payout amount is just $30.00.
  • Uploading Methods / Z.O.O.M Tool. API Upload. Remote Upload.
  • DMCA Ignore.
  • Multiple different ad modes.
  • Legal adult content is allowed to be uploaded.
  • For free users, inactive files will be deleted after 60 days and premium user's files will be deleted after 120 days (PM if you want files to never expire)
  • Maximum file upload size is 10GB for free users & 20GB for Premium users.
  • Earn extra revenue from our Affiliates program, and earn 15% from using your Referral link!
  • Currently, payment methods that you can select from our Bitcoin, USDT, ETH, LTC, Payoneer
  • All file types are allowed including zips etc.
  • Payouts are only made on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays around 6:00-8:00 PM GMT+0.

Large Websites/Uploaders who vouch & use SH:
+ Many more
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Hello, some files uploaded yesterday are giving The media couldn't be loaded error, would it be possible to bring them back and fix?
Yes will be fixed by tomorrow, just some work being done.
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just my personal opinion, I prefer the look of jwplayer, and there are forward and rewind buttons available..

and is it possible to make the streamhub logo disappear?
I see okay, I will see what I can do.

And for the logo, yes we need to fix our watermark feature, will be done, just alot to do as of now.
Yes will be fixed by tomorrow, just some work being done.
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Until now it hasn't been fixed bro?

and for players, maybe it's better to stay the same.

should not always request must be complied with, look at it as a whole.

because I observed, not a few who prefer the old StreamHub : )
payment received like always


and about @streamvid he's just a scammer nothing else your words KARMA.. i'm curious how much he paid wj to stop me from telling the truth about him because i just got restriction there but i hope eventually that finally @Tango make the right decision and ask him for proof, I'm not asking for anything more, just my eyes to see that fucking proof
Okay do you want me show some proof what he messaged me but i m not like you, saying again and again us scammer better check what you are you have done and who banned you do share that too.
Hi guys,

Adblock message now appears on video load, this will resolve the issue with Adblock views.

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after encode it still

still same, nothing happen
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sorry, it work fine now

and only 1 quality not encode to lower like 360 / 480 ?

Could you DM me about this, so I can understand more, thanks.
it looks like some older payments are still pending :thinking:
There is a couple of yes, but not many as I said on Monday as we cleared all large payouts, and now we have payouts that are PERFECT for us to be able to pay.
Money or profit is not the issue, it's these ad networks, as of now I am heavily working with them to make an agreement for daily payouts, and the agreement is going well. But this is what is annoying about all this, to be honest, as it's not us, it's the ad networks only wanting to pay weekly.

But do not worry, all is good and in fact better than ever!
Earnings and rates are still too low. I know you implemeneted Fixed rate and I also got offer, still considering it. But even if it can be profitable for some uploaders and it's better option, I still think it will be lot more fair if both options were available for uploaders. But right now earnings based on revenue has become so bad (looks like rates are slashed once again) that basically no choice than to take fix rate terms? There may be some reasons why it may not be wished or sometimes uploaders (right now like me) need slightly more time to fully consider and rethink about it.
Meanwhile, views are slightly better but earnings/rates once again seem slashed and with same amount of views much less revenue.
There were lots of views/earnings complaints and we also pasted some screens which directly indicated views were indeed cut a lot + earnings too, with same views.
Except for the fixed rates offer, is there any reasoning why it is happening? And any reason to bring back revenue based earnings to the way it was before? (I'm not talking about last month or anything when you said you had to cut rates back to $80 per 10k). I'm talking about now one-two week difference.
I hope you don't find this post as an attack, I'm just wondering. But looks like we really got no explanation about why revenue based views/earnings went too low since last week.
Earnings and rates are still too low. I know you implemeneted Fixed rate and I also got offer, still considering it. But even if it can be profitable for some uploaders and it's better option, I still think it will be lot more fair if both options were available for uploaders. But right now earnings based on revenue has become so bad (looks like rates are slashed once again) that basically no choice than to take fix rate terms? There may be some reasons why it may not be wished or sometimes uploaders (right now like me) need slightly more time to fully consider and rethink about it.
Meanwhile, views are slightly better but earnings/rates once again seem slashed and with same amount of views much less revenue.
There were lots of views/earnings complaints and we also pasted some screens which directly indicated views were indeed cut a lot + earnings too, with same views.
Except for the fixed rates offer, is there any reasoning why it is happening? And any reason to bring back revenue based earnings to the way it was before? (I'm not talking about last month or anything when you said you had to cut rates back to $80 per 10k). I'm talking about now one-two week difference.
I hope you don't find this post as an attack, I'm just wondering. But looks like we really got no explanation about why revenue based views/earnings went too low since last week.

Thanks for the honest message as always, you know all I ask for is honest criticism, as this is how you improve.

Regarding the views/earnings, its due to us changing and trying to find the best setting to put for how much percentage you must watch a video for a view to count, as you know we have more ads than most other hosts, but it's needed for the rates we offer, but with the ads it's very hard to arrange them to work well with the % per view, as we change ads quite a bit as of now, for the reason as I stated above about trying to work with advertisers for daily payouts, and it is hard and trial and error to find the best ones that work well.

Now I'll be honest, I should have told you the % was being changed, but in all honesty, I wanted to have set on the best configuration to then update you guys.

As for now, it seems 7-10% seems the best for us, so we will run with this for now.
And to put it into perspective, for what you are experiencing it was set to 15-20%.

When you said you think it may be unfair for others who do not have the option to be on revenue-share, for the first couple of days yes we had to test it with a couple of users, but if you were to check our homepage, we state it publicly now. You cannot expect me to release something like that and open it to all users, as then every user would be getting 15% higher, which would be a problem as you could imagine. Also remember, this entire system is new for you guys and none of you have seen it before, so it may take time for you to understand it all.

This is a very standard and normal way of working with Fixed Revenue, if you get insight maybe from an advertiser or check some campaigns you will see this is how it is.

If I missed anything please let me know, but I believe I covered all your questions.

- SH
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- regarding the payment, sure, i can wait.
- regarding earnings, I have been satisfied for two days, if nothing changes for the worse, I will be satisfied.
Nothing will change, that's why its "fixed" :)
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streamhub didn't encode to lower quality ? like 360 or 480 ?
Checking this with my dev, I believe we don't but I will get it checked to make sure.
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And for those wondering about the new redesign, there is just a couple of things left to do, and am just waiting on our Designer to complete it.
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hi bro

This month is so heavy with payments that feel like 1 month 1 payment.

i really miss streamhub last month. weekly payments that are rarely late, max payment 4 times a month.

why in this case you don't all make rules that are more fixed.

starting from timely payment limit max payout 4 times per month readjust the rate again so that you have more profit, so you can pay faster.

yes I know you always say not only looking at that to streamhub, also look at streamhub as a secure host for files.

as i observed, the main one will always be to payment issue :)

and also streamhub is so good in terms of customer service, you always respond to all user wishes.

even we feel close to you, different from other host admins.
that includes being a + value for streamhub in my opinion
hi bro

This month is so heavy with payments that feel like 1 month 1 payment.

i really miss streamhub last month. weekly payments that are rarely late, max payment 4 times a month.

why in this case you don't all make rules that are more fixed.

starting from timely payment limit max payout 4 times per month readjust the rate again so that you have more profit, so you can pay faster.

yes I know you always say not only looking at that to streamhub, also look at streamhub as a secure host for files.

as i observed, the main one will always be to payment issue :)

and also streamhub is so good in terms of customer service, you always respond to all user wishes.

even we feel close to you, different from other host admins.
that includes being a + value for streamhub in my opinion

Yes bro you are not wrong, but remember money is not the issue anymore, a while back that was the cause for slow payouts. Right now it is just ad networks we work with, it is so hard to find one who pays even twice a week, they work weekly or monthly, which causes delays for our payouts, and makes us look bad.

But like I said above, I am working with them as of now to arrange my payments to be daily or faster than weekly. Once that is done you will see payments so fast, as when I get paid even now, I send all of it to you guys, I mean that.

And also, payments won't be longer than 1 week from now, as even if I get paid weekly, I can make most payouts on Mondays.

Now you may ask why there are payouts delayed a long time if money is not the issue, because profit was not good at that time, but as I stated above right now, since on Monday specifically our Profit is much higher, and our outgoing payouts are MUCH lower.
For example, before last week, we would generate around 250-300$ daily, and were paying out 450-550$ a day, and that is without invoices. And yes I like to be completely transparent even telling you guys the revenue/profit I earn, as I really want to just show everyone the situation I am in without any lies, as lies lead to your demise with anything you build.

Of course, I can speak forever and say this and that, and you guys can take my word or maybe think I am just saying this to make myself look good, which I understand why you would think that, as other admins do that, and it is hard to understand the concept that an admin wants to make his community more money than himself, but it's true, of course not losing money, If I were even to breakeven forever with SH I would not care, as I also have other projects too.

Not only that, but I also know I am providing an income source to people out there who really need a way to make money, as some countries I know it can be hard, so I like to open doors for everyone to access financial freedom.
For me, freedom & not being controlled is much more valuable than money.

And thank you.
I really do appreciate the last part of your message too, when I read stuff like that It makes me believe I am doing the right thing as sometimes some people can make you second guess your plans & goals, but it is nice to see the effort is being noticed, and not only that, customer support is so important, I also don't even want to treat any of you guys as "Clients" or "Users", it is a family and community all here to help each other make money. I could be biased but I really feel with other hosts it's the opposite.

And apologies for the long message haha
I sometimes write all this and wonder if it's worth speaking so much, but for me, it's the correct thing to do as it's from my heart and honest.

Best regards,
- SH
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Hello, some files uploaded yesterday are giving The media couldn't be loaded error, would it be possible to bring them back and fix?

All done, server maintenance is complete. All files working fine again :)
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