Storage Servers

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I'm looking for cheap storage hosts. Nothing very specific, except for large capacities (3TB-XXTB) for reasonable prices. My only requirement is that they have a 1-10Gbps trunk.

Anyone have any suggestions?
I wouldn't know what server to specify as it depends on how many downloads or connections will be entering to the server, but for cheap and very good network and bandwidth i would go with OVH or leaseweb.

Unless you plan to pay for premium bandwidth and servers go to Softlayer or limestonenetworks
My thoughts on what i have found.

Theres also

Which you can configure for 3TB + for very cheap, Meant to show you that a few days ago actually. @Hivelocity

---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 PM ----------

Theres also which can be configured for multible teryabytes for very cheap.

---------- Post added 14th May 2013 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 13th May 2013 at 11:54 PM ----------

Found great option Xanza totally forgot about leaseweb.

Build your own server

I have a 24TB server with 1Gbps network and I store files in there. I don't use file sharing sites as a storage because I lost too many data in past. And mine from SmartDC so not crazy cheap but better than LW. :)
How about colocation of a NAS?

You can build yourself a nice redundant (Raid5/6) NAS and ship it off to a DC that does colo. Renting a server with massive storage may be more tricky, particularly at places like Softlayer.

But I concur that Softlayer have a pretty phenomenal network.
Leaswebs = is the worst DC I ever seen in my life. You will get 2-5 times downtime guarantee - some times cable fault, some times network issue, some times power cut, some time switch mismatch ooo! sometimes your IP get banded because of abusing data transfer. What the Fuck! I'm using a storage server and I'm paying like $1000 each month so I can transfer files? Can't use my 100TB BW, Can't use torrents or steaming? why always cable fault 2-3 times in a month is they use their shit to join cables? Seriously annoying.

Softlayer = This is total crap. First 2 months is offer you the best service. Then it will show you his true colors - server down for maintenance 2 days no mail no support totally blank like no one out there. Then Paid Support (Fucking hate that) First reply will be "Hello sir, I'll get back to you in few hrs.............." -then no answer for 2 days. Another thing I'm transferring files or something the server totally restarted I get kicked out my transfer half done Why restart - No reason. After 3 months you will get did connected "restricted network", no ping nothing -Ask them no reply, then ask money for manage. Just wait for 4-5 days again your network back. After 5 months.. (now comes the data loose) First BAD RAM - 3 days (2days for ram not available at the moment), Then one day morning you can't access your server - you opened a paid ticket, they said your hdd corrupted need to restore, then bad suggestion - use SSD. What the hell! Like SSD can't be get corrupted ever or something.

So use something else.. Excluding OVH.

Thank You
Leaswebs = is the worst DC I ever seen in my life. You will get 2-5 times downtime guarantee - some times cable fault, some times network issue, some times power cut, some time switch mismatch ooo! sometimes your IP get banded because of abusing data transfer. What the Fuck! I'm using a storage server and I'm paying like $1000 each month so I can transfer files? Can't use my 100TB BW, Can't use torrents or steaming? why always cable fault 2-3 times in a month is they use their shit to join cables? Seriously annoying.

Softlayer = This is total crap. First 2 months is offer you the best service. Then it will show you his true colors - server down for maintenance 2 days no mail no support totally blank like no one out there. Then Paid Support (Fucking hate that) First reply will be "Hello sir, I'll get back to you in few hrs.............." -then no answer for 2 days. Another thing I'm transferring files or something the server totally restarted I get kicked out my transfer half done Why restart - No reason. After 3 months you will get did connected "restricted network", no ping nothing -Ask them no reply, then ask money for manage. Just wait for 4-5 days again your network back. After 5 months.. (now comes the data loose) First BAD RAM - 3 days (2days for ram not available at the moment), Then one day morning you can't access your server - you opened a paid ticket, they said your hdd corrupted need to restore, then bad suggestion - use SSD. What the hell! Like SSD can't be get corrupted ever or something.

So use something else.. Excluding OVH.

Thank You

Very cool! Thanks for the opinions!

I really like the host that you showed me, but they do seem a bit expensive -- I also tried their network test and they do boast 1Gbps, but it still seems slow.

I'll have to consider all my options, but thanks again for the input!
When you used lease web which location did you use ? USA Germany or neatherlands.

When you guys sit here and slander data centers you don't actually say what location you had issues with.

Same question applies for softlayer I know the Dallas location isn't terrible because I splice fiber there all the time there in there meet me room for fiber transit
fdcservers = is not very good. The problem I faces Chicago DC is speed fall like they are cutting bandwidth but if you asked them they will fix it.. But it can be possible happen this month when you 20TB BW or next month at 50TB BW it's not fixed so it's kind of lame. Second they don't have SAS on stock so if you thinking to run fast uploads it's hard. Most of the good locations of there, always occupied that a shame! The worst with the fdcservers 1gbps server is it's network not stable. For example you buy a Leaswebs server now download a file hosted on LW other server.. It could be SOOOOO FAST. But that's not with the fdcservers - if you download same DC file you will see the network down id on't know why :( and when you try out side from USA - it feel dead to me. Last speed I got from them like 650Mbp/s from USA servers (my fdcservers to Softlayer). And from NL server 340kb/s that's massedup So if you run for the fdcservers - you must be care full with business.
But I heard they have 10Gbps servers which is at the same place where Google. I never used that but I guess that's good but if a 10Gbps server if didn't offer you 2Gbp/s each time then you shouldn't apply for that. I had a 10Gbp/s server in previous (from my usual provider) I got 1.8Gbp/s even in peak hrs. :)

@DLow I use LW at NL Location. USA and DE LW servers are not even LW's own DC. They are from Level3 networking which is leading in USA. If I need USA Server then why LW, I will go to fdcservers. Which is more promising than LW in USA.

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Eski -- I don't mess with budgets. For one of two reasons;

1) Never give out a working price -- you'll be exploited. (Ex. You're looking for a router, you need a simple Wireless G [$25] router but don't know that. You tell a service rep that you're willing to spend $100. You're now walking away with a Wireless N router and $75 lighter when you didn't need it to begin with.)

2) Anyone selling services should be able to tell right away what they have available from a description, not based on price. If they ask for the price, you should always assume they're up-selling.

These are two rules that I live buy, and work especially well in consumer based environments.
1) Never give out a working price -- you'll be exploited. (Ex. You're looking for a router, you need a simple Wireless G [$25] router but don't know that. You tell a service rep that you're willing to spend $100. You're now walking away with a Wireless N router and $75 lighter when you didn't need it to begin with.)

The great thing about the free market is that others are able to come in and undercut the expensive offer. Having a budget isn't a problem.

In the world of hosting, your budget may be a good indication of expected quality and assurance. Certainly there are different levels of providers offering differing quality. The price is not always equal.

2) Anyone selling services should be able to tell right away what they have available from a description, not based on price. If they ask for the price, you should always assume they're up-selling.

The profit margin is always flexible. The actual costs are not. It would not be in the interest of the provider to advertise their lowest possible price as the profit is obviously the ultimate goal of the provider. Also, just because you are willing to offer a discount to 1 person doesn't mean it should be available to everyone. Though I do essentially agree with you that the provider SHOULD KNOW how much it would cost and not only know after a budget is produced.
The profit margin is always flexible. The actual costs are not. It would not be in the interest of the provider to advertise their lowest possible price as the profit is obviously the ultimate goal of the provider. Also, just because you are willing to offer a discount to 1 person doesn't mean it should be available to everyone. Though I do essentially agree with you that the provider SHOULD KNOW how much it would cost and not only know after a budget is produced.

Exactly, I'm a consumer, not a provider; at least in this situation. Plainly put, it would be disadvantageous to MY bottom line to work with a scalable budget -- especially in this industry where markups can be outrageous. Microeconomics 101; never lead with your bargaining chip -- in this case, my budget. You'll lose any possible position for negotiation, and leave yourself open for exploitation.

Besides, if you require a working budget from your clients, you're losing business; I guarantee you that! I'd much rather give a larger range of products for a customer to choose from, even products they might not be able to afford, and let them make their own decision while I use my expertise to guide them along the way rather than to offer them a limited display of technology solutions based upon a number.

Lets say, me as a consumer were to give you a range between $500 and $1,000 USD budget per month. You'll go to your hardware database, and pull all results within that range (9 times out of 10) totally limiting my (the consumers) view of your products because you're only showing me a range of hardware that meets my specific numerical range. However, consumer ignorance isn't taken into account with this type of transaction, what if I really need something from you that would end up costing $2,000 per month instead of just $1,000 -- if that's the case, you could end up losing a $1,000 per month sale because you only showed me a range for a soft budget that I pulled out of my ass on a whim.

Food for thought.

EDIT: Also, I have never and will never put any merit, or buy into the stigma that 'the more you pay the better the product.' I've worked retail for more than 10 years, and I've been in the technology field for almost 20; I know it's not true.
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EDIT: Also, I have never and will never put any merit, or buy into the stigma that 'the more you pay the better the product.' I've worked retail for more than 10 years, and I've been in the technology field for almost 20; I know it's not true.

To an extent I agree. But there are cases where it I disagree.

You can imagine that a $10 dedicated server could not be afforded all the features you would expect in a world class data center. Once a product reaches a certain price point, there is no longer any significant added value in the service.

i.e. an entry level server for $20 may very well be twice as good as a $10 server given the reduced costs MUST mean some loss in service provision.

However a $100 server may be just as good as a $200 server as $100 is about the price point for a typical entry level.

Service providers with higher profit margin has more access to funding for further improvements through investment than other providers with lower profit margin. But there are reasons why some providers charge more than others and its not always to fatten up the wallets of the owners.

Lets say, me as a consumer were to give you a range between $500 and $1,000 USD budget per month. You'll go to your hardware database, and pull all results within that range (9 times out of 10) totally limiting my (the consumers) view of your products because you're only showing me a range of hardware that meets my specific numerical range. However, consumer ignorance isn't taken into account with this type of transaction, what if I really need something from you that would end up costing $2,000 per month instead of just $1,000 -- if that's the case, you could end up losing a $1,000 per month sale because you only showed me a range for a soft budget that I pulled out of my ass on a whim.

This works the other way around too. The consumer looses out on what they really want because they may have been concealing their true budget.

If you consider buying a home, you normally have a budget in mind. Budget is one of the first questions asked after "how many bedrooms?" and "where?". Would you LIE about your budget so you can save money? By hiding your true budget you are excluding options that may otherwise be available. If their budget is true than offering more expensive options would be a complete waist of time.

Here is how it normally goes and is generally accepted:

Client > I need a server!
Host > What are you looking for?
Client > Need a quad core CPU, 1TB HDD, 8GB RAM, and 5TB banwidth
Host > Oh certainly, we have plans A, B and C which cost $200, $250 and $300
Client > I cannot afford such a high price. Can you go any cheaper?
Host > I'm afraid we don't have any new quad cores available for less than $200. What is your budget?
Client > $150.
Host > Hmm. Well how about a Dual Core with HT technology?
Client > No I really need a quad core.
Host > How about an older model that we do not normally offer.
Client > Sure, as long as it is quad core!

This is generally how things go.

Come to think of it, there is no harm in a client stating their budget for anything. Want to buy a car? Give the salesman your budget. A house? give you budget! A server, no harm to give a budget either.

Most houses, cars and servers have a price tag. Offering a budget will not suddenly make those price tags go up.
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Well, I think it's works both ways..

> If you said I have servers started price with $200/PM. That client may told you "my budget $150/PM, get me cheaper" but that not means that client has no ability to pay you $200/PM or his previous provider taking $300/PM from him.


> You have server from $200/PM and your client said he/she has only $150/PM. You respond yaa.. I can do that just the older model then when client show the green signal
A) After few hrs you told him/her "Sorry we are out of stock now. Either buy the $200 server or I'm sorry." (In this case you never had any old server just because you know the budget you start manipulating him/her)
B) After few hrs you told him/her "Sorry we are out of stock now. Either buy the $200/PM server or I give you an offer FIRST MONTH $150" (You started manipulating him/her again just because you the budget)
C) After payment received, You format you old server (which you provably bought from long time ago) and give it to him/her. Few days after she/he open a ticket - the server is SLOW! You Said "Sorry, but the old hardware can't work so fast" (Again you manipulating him/her to buy your $200/PM server)

So If you look at on facts it's works both ways, so telling your budget or not is not helping here. It's depends on people So what I suggested is- Think before you ask. If someone selling $200/PM server minimum you can say he has $10 to $50 as own profit so if he still ready to compromise then some thing fishy there. Isn't?

Thank You
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let's get back to topic:
what about webtropia: there you can configure your own harddrives.
you can get up to 4 x 3.000 GB
gigabit will nfortionately cost you extra.

or hetzner: 7x 3TB, Gigabit, unfortionately 10TB traffic only 15x3TB, Gigabit, same problem with traffic

though they are both germany-based servers
let's get back to topic:
what about webtropia: there you can configure your own harddrives.
you can get up to 4 x 3.000 GB
gigabit will nfortionately cost you extra.

or hetzner: 7x 3TB, Gigabit, unfortionately 10TB traffic only 15x3TB, Gigabit, same problem with traffic

though they are both germany-based servers

webtropia = Is company like server4you. Not only lame it's worst when it comes uptime. I guess they use Chinese switches or something like that. And apparently if you look the price is very low then when you try to order hidden charges pops-up. If pay for 24 month then this or Monthly charge this, Prepaid server, servers are only 2U or 3U or hardly 4U. Server suspension if your server get one objection. Comon I bought a storage server I can't only store my pet cat picture in it. And the support get bad some time, no response, Sunday & Saturday OUT, Ask money for small management, server slow down on peak hrs and lots more.
If you running a site for Heath Insurance company then it's ok. Otherwise not a chance. = Awesome DC no question ask. But they also have some issue still annoying. You need Passport or Driving license to get a server so if you have any illegal file on it or if you running a file sharing site on it they will handover your details to the FBI. High Setup charge, if you negotiate the setup charge the server cost get double. Network stability issue - download 1 file ok, Download 10 files one by on 3-5 of them fail. Support is not very good so if you are a Geek only then it's works for you. And they don't accept Paypal so yaa.. it's a pain in the ass.
And most people overlook -
We will permanently restrict the connection speed to 10 Mbit/s if more than 10.000 GB/month are used (the basis for calculation is for outgoing traffic only. Incoming and internal traffic is not calculated). 1 Gbit/s speed can be optionally restored by committing to pay 6,90 € (incl. VAT) per additional TB used.

So.. :) if you running a Shared hosting site then go for Hetzner DE but not suitable as a Storage server use.

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