Starting A Site.

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Active Member
Hello guys you see my other thread says am looking for a partner for something warez but now i have come up with a new idea its a hosting.

If you have a hosting website and you need a partner then pm me

I am looking for someone who can invest, the person most know how to code, should definitly know how to run a website if the person knows little GFX that would be great if not then thats alright and somebody who has got knowledge.

The person will get 50% of the share that we make so it 50 50 each.

WJ members i have money to invest as well

I do not want any dumb kids flamming this thread plz thankz.
So the person must invest, code, run a site, and do gfx. Doesn't leave much open to do does it? Let me rephrase your request:
"Can someone let me have 50% of profits of a hosting site?"
You need a guy with hosting, who can code and do gfx work?
and you will split profit 50-50 with him?
well you are too generous sir.
you should keep at least 60% for you.
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