SONIFILES.COM - Up To 70% per sale - 50% Rebills Lifetime - Up To 50$ 10K DL - Daily

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Please clarify if you still have PPS program as I am not seeing any premium sales however I am seeing 66 downloaded files today which are all Premium Files.

username: thugster.
Please clarify if you still have PPS program as I am not seeing any premium sales however I am seeing 66 downloaded files today which are all Premium Files.

username: thugster.

Hello just checked this and loks like he was registred before buying premium as it's not and at your referrals , I'll investigate if he was downloading just your files or no , if yes then I'll add the amount at your account :)
$50 for 10000 this is not good,,,, $40 or $35 for 1000 is best

If you know any advertisment network that pay $40 or 35$ for 1000 (downloads / visits) and with just one popunder and two banner ads then contact me and I'll be more than happy to pay 40$ for 1000 Downloads !!!!

Best Regards
<iframe src="" name=""></iframe>

Is it possible to use srt in iframe like this, or some other option for self-host srt?
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Thanks for payment

Thank you for using soniFiles

Added after 1:

<iframe src="" name=""></iframe>

Is it possible to use srt in iframe like this, or some other option for self-host srt?


We are currently not using video hosting either embeded options .
We might upgrade to file/video sharing in the future but nothing is for sure.

Best Regards
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