SmokeHost -- The Full Story

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im not, I showed them thr real stats, I even logged in my paypal and showed him all the received money i got from clients. Even ask dlow he knows it. Im not a scammer. He is.
WJ is getting fucked by kiddie hosts like you. We are tired of this. Most new hosts think its easy to start in the hosting business but it isn't. Thats why most owners run away after they couldnt make something. We don't want threads like this anymore. Those bullshit hosts just increase the SQL size of WJ. Next time you try to start again, get a strategy, get some good ideas to safe some KB's.

EDIT: I am not seeing you as a rival, none of the 'companies' here except WebDen is in our range.
Kiddie hosts? Please explain why you feel we're a kiddie host? (Didn't mean this in a rude way, just want to know why you feel this way :) )

Also Forgiven, please stay out of this, your host is definently what we call a kiddie host.

Hosting under a reseller. Selling $1/Month hosting.
Lol Go fuck urself mate. I sold it. :) Lol, so what if i did? u guys r noobs :P

I aint a scammer. I showed him everything... He is lieing.

also it wasnt a reseller, get ur facts right before u comment please.
I agree with localhost. If a mod could add a poll

1) keep deep ban
2) unban him
3) censor the domain and all the bs will end

He showed what he had to offer before the deal was made, deep didn't like the outcome and didn't pay him. He said so himself here on wj. Why is this still a discussion? You can not buy a house and then tell the bank that your neighbors suck so I am not paying you. Come on this is the real world. Pay him his $ and he will get unban and all this BS will end.

Or censor the domain, which seems like the better route

Look at the ticket over at stablelayer. The VPS was not paid till May. Forgiven made false statements.


Started off under one though ;)

Do not turn this into a flame war.
I agree with localhost. If a mod could add a poll

1) keep deep ban
2) unban him
3) censor the domain and all the bs will end

He showed what he had to offer before the deal was made, deep didn't like the outcome and didn't pay him. He said so himself here on wj. Why is this still a discussion? You can not buy a house and then tell the bank that your neighbors suck so I am not paying you. Come on this is the real world. Pay him his $ and he will get unban and all this BS will end.

Or censor the domain, which seems like the better route

You buy a house with a swimming pool and then you realise
its not been built yet you want refund you get refund simple...
FFS I ant looking at anything, I looked at it when the original thread was up. Deep said himself he looked over all the details and the outcome was not in his favor so he is not paying. Like I said, get to know the neighbors if it will be an issue before the house is sold.

Hot topic with 22 people. Just tell him to pay his debuts, drama threads like these never result in anything. Being here on WJ longer then most of the ones who start the drama, trust me. :)

@Ihate - my example the house was built and you move in. The swimming pool is there, its the neighbors which is the issue. :D

Localhost FTW! censor the domain!
I think same should be said for webden. It is closing it is not closing. It is up , down ????

Private, fiends only ??? Still running taking open orders or not???

Poll for them also..
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