Coming BaCk !!!

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Active Member
Not really sure how many of you noticed, but I just bought back my site

And, it has been down for some month. As soon as I get possession of the remaining files, I'll be putting it up on my server,I'll be bringing it back online!

Less of an announcement, this thread is more of a request to every warez forum owner..

If you've ever blacklisted the name ( please unblacklist it. I know you may have been pissed off earlier because of the 'spam backlink' message/PM and other's matter things,but this is a new start :)

Cheers :)

If you've ever blacklisted the name ( please unblacklist it. I know you may have been pissed off earlier because of the 'spam backlink' message/PM and other's matter things,but this is a new start :)

Why should they unblacklist your forum? I think died at the moment when you sold it. You had a 5 star forum at katz downloads, you had great traffic and then boom!!! and everything disappeared because of you. You just said "I had a serious problem and I was forced to sell it to help my family." Personally, I do NOT believe a word. Don't you ask yourself why do they get angry when you sold it? Who knows maybe one day you'll sell it again to make money and then what?

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" ;)
i sell it for it some personal reasons, and that i did not want to tell you, what is happens with my fucking Life,and inwarez also sold?so u think it for money? yaaaa.... and why i just bought it back,because i have money now? because i love my site and now i don't sale that site to anyone, now i have everything...i know who are you, and why You said? anyway no comments!!
You had a great site, I was a member there, Dru did amazing work for you and you sold the thing without any warning,

SWO will never be as great as it once was, wont be popular with guys who have been here for even 6 months or more.

Too much politics,

But shit happens, so I honestly do wish you get it back to a decent standard like before.

Good luck mate.
Why should they unblacklist your forum? I think died at the moment when you sold it. You had a 5 star forum at katz downloads, you had great traffic and then boom!!! and everything disappeared because of you. You just said "I had a serious problem and I was forced to sell it to help my family." Personally, I do NOT believe a word. Don't you ask yourself why do they get angry when you sold it? Who knows maybe one day you'll sell it again to make money and then what?

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" ;)
who cares if u believe him or not he had a better site than urs is ever gonna be
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