Slow website

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Anyone know how I can make my website faster.

It becomes slow kinda randomly, sometimes it can be slow with 4 users online but at another time it can be fast with 15-20 users online.

The hosting I have is:
Shared hosting.
100 GB HDD
2 TB Bandwidth
64 MB PHP memory
costs $10 / month

My website has:
~900 daily visitors
~13.000 daily page views
~4-20 online all the time
1100 posts
50 pages
I show just 5 posts per page, so each pageview shouldn't be very big.
No ads or anything like that.
Plugins that I think could possibly slow down the site (but I dont think they are the cause): Nextgen gallery, nrelate Related Content, Post Ratings
I have wordfence but I dont see any wierd traffic, I don't think anyone is messing with me.
I have ~6.5 GB images in nextgen gallery and ~400 MB images attached to posts. Each image is ~600 KB.

The speed of the website is around 2-3? seconds when it is at normal speed but often increases to 5-20 seconds.
Nextgen gallery is instantly changing images. (possible to use left/right arrow keys to switch between images, and they always load within 0.2 seconds or something)

Any idea what the problem might be and how I could fix it?
Really want to provide better speed for my users, feels so sad when it takes 20 seconds to load a page. Also feels like I have no space for growth since it is already so slow.

Or is the website slow just because I use shared hosting?
I kinda doubt it is, but not sure. It might be the plan I am using with them (they have a bigger plan aswell that cost $20 instead of $10).
They have links to some website that use them and they have like 1-2 seconds load time when my website is at 15 seconds.
Tried adding the free version of cloudflare, I dont really notice any difference since it still takes ~10 seconds to load each page, any other ideas?

EDIT: Actually, I found the culprit. I didn't think it was that plugin so I never tried to disable it but it was it. (Post Ratings) Think website got slow just after 1000 posts, like it was a limit on how many posts post rating could handle.

EDIT 2: It still seems slightly slow, but now it is like 2-6 seconds load time so not bad but still slightly high.
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When you are on shared there is little you can do. When you use shared or even a vps you are at the mercy of all the others sharing a server with you.

If there is a certain times of day it happens it could be caused by backups by the host. Ask them.

I have found cloudfare does anything but speed up a website. If you have a completely static website it might help. But evn then I have found the screen your website is not available way to many times to suite me.
Tried disabling cloudflare again and i dont see any difference at all. Might be good to have it, might be bad. Not sure if it is worth using it.

Is it possible to get some fairly cheap hosting compared to what I have now? ($10 for 2 TB bandwidth and 100 GB HDD)
Think my website SHOULD be able to handle ~5-10 times as much traffic considering bandwidth and got more HDD space than I will use. (will probably eventually use up 30-80 GB)

I only had shared hosting on various servers except for 1 time when I had a dedicated server but that one was like $100+ / month with 100 TB bandwidth. (was basically paying for the bandwidth since I had a small filehost then, now i just want short load time and ~2 TB bandwidth and ~50-100 GB HDD space)
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It is a blog, and it really feels like the limitation is in the server now.

Any recommendations on good and quite cheap VPS or dedicated and where to buy it from?
Prefer a host that wont ban me if they notice that I have a kind of japanese warez on my website.
Also it should probably be able to handle at least 100 users online at once. (considering I have 35 now and it would be more if it was possible + my website is growing fast)

My plugin that shows how many is online went from ~20 to 35 after fixing the issue with the plugin but then my website got really slow again. If only the server could handle more it would be even more online. (both very exciting and quite sad that I cant handle it)

Sorry for asking, but I want to have something good.

Page Speed Grade: (76%) C
YSlow Grade: (79%) C
Page load time: 9.14s
Total page size: 312KB
Total number of requests: 38

On the timeline
Get <my website> 7.21s
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For dedicated server i recommand you .It's for low price you get the highest performance.With 40 euro you got server very good,if you search the same server on other website you will find on the price of min. 200$.If you want you can put a question,,who use" All people will say are awsome.Good luck!
Back when web hosting wasn't as popular of a topic it used to be alot of shared hosting of this type which typically is limited resources and 64mb ram to 32mb.

PHP does require some ram, but if you limit the time it takes for your script to process it will cut down on ram usage.

Other things which help reduce resources is linking such types externally via a hotlink service like image hosts or dropbox type clouds:

  • Images
  • CSS Files
  • Javascript Files
These will help php processing as php wont have to load these resources.
Do not use gzip or any type of server side cacheing if you have limited ram like 64mb.

Most of this you will have to edit your scripts template to do.

You may want to find a new host as 10$ per month for such resources is now obsolete and very useless as new scripts which are pretty small use or need more ram to create a faster site.
@Loonycgb2 Thank you! I copy the thumbnail from a file hoster,and this slow down my website... If i will get a vps hosting this will fix the problem?:D
You can optimize your image by lossless compression. It will be better if you also upgrade your hosting to a vps. You can then install Nginx web server which will reduce your memory usage drastically. I offer website speed up service. If you are interested then shoot me a pm or add me on skype.
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