Sir Mark (InWarez Retired Staff)

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Sir Mark is very trusted, the way I see it and when I talk to him. Just cause he took 30 dollars, and didn't pay you back next day doesn't mean he's untrusted or a scammer. He gave you a lot of variety of options to pay you back, You didn't accept it. It's your fault for not accepting the money. Than you come like a little girl and make this thread. How can WE help you? You need to talk to him about this and resolve it. Nobody can help you from here. Accept the money from him... Maybe his country doesn't allow PayPal or sh!t like that.
What ACiD says just confirms what i have told you many times.

Threatening to come to WJunction and whine about it will NOT make me more inclined to do it. I dont see why it would do.

Im on the plane now - so i cant send it atm, but feel free to contact me, im waiting.
Should be able to keep talking though until we go over the chanel, providers switch and i get DC'd
What ACiD says just confirms what i have told you many times.

Threatening to come to WJunction and whine about it will NOT make me more inclined to do it. I dont see why it would do.

Im on the plane now - so i cant send it atm, but feel free to contact me, im waiting.
Should be able to keep talking though until we go over the chanel, providers switch and i get DC'd

Didn't your plane leave? lol

And yeah, ACiD has a valid point..
For one Sirmark only gave me ONE other option thats to send through post which he failed to do i have been w8n for the money for at least 4- 6 months and only now he wants to sort it... If i get the money then he is trusted if i dont that i affraid this guy is not trusted...Fuck over one guy is sure to fuck over another.

And ACiD make sure you no what your on about before you open your mouth, thanks.
ok - I haven't been here long but I just read your thread and all I can see is

Whine Whine Whine

If he can't do paypal, he can't do paypal - in the long run £30 isn't anything to start e-raging about :|
Read it proper, i know he cant do paypal and he is saying he can do other things i said send it through post and he said yeah but never done it.

£30 is alot of money when you aint got much money.
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