Should The Forum Be Open / Partially Open

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Should The Forum Be Open / Partially Open

Say u have 6000 members ( abt 300 active posters ) and 10K posts ( with replies)

And all u do is u have a 4 star rating in katz and u get ausome traffic.

Now my question is will u prefer to have an open ( guest only ) forum or a forum where u will have a separate guest section and also the rest normal sections only viewable to reg members .

If u go with the separate guest section, How will u manage . allow everyone to post in guest section or only mods / super mods/ admin posts there .

and if only mods / super mods/ admins is allowed to post in quest section will u always keep on moving good posts to the guest section from the normal one

Want some explanation from all good webmaster ..

Help pls thx
Open Forum for me.

Not only the person who visits sees everything you have, but all the links you have will generate more points, since everything is open.

Also this way you build a stronger communitee with less leechers.

So unless you are greedy and want lots of useless fake registrations, money, etc.. Open Forum is the way to go ;)
download sections all open

You don't want people registereing just to leech and make no posts, then it would b better to just have them open, not forcing leechers to register and only gain active members? also google indexes more if it's all open
I think I'm gonna follow you guys on that as my forum is only open to the Guest section unless registered, would a good idea be to open all forums and remove the guest section or open all forums and keep the guest section but that then will be defeating the object as guests can access the whole site.

Since my site is small I'm unsure on what to do as I'm submitting to Katz to generate members etc...

Thanks :)
Seems as tho nobody as replied with any advice I have made my downloads part of my forum open for Guests and its working out fine, we are still getting a good number of new members plus we are starting to get Active members too so go ahead with this option if you want to build up a great Active community :)
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