SharpLeech 2: Discussion and ideas topic.

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Active Member
I've decided to start this topic in light of my decision to stop the development of SL 1.x.x. The whole codebase of SL 1 has been trashed. Reason behind this decision is that the SL 1 source is a mess and GUI and program logic are not separated. Most of the core functionality resides in event handlers. That is a big no-no and means that if I make changes to the GUI I break the program logic (meaning everything stops working and I have to fix the program logic).

I will continue with SharpLeech 2 and basically start from scratch again. This might sound a bit radical but it is actually a great opportunity. Having to redesign the whole program means I can put futures in there that wouldn't of been (easily) possible with SL 1. It'll use .NET 4 and WinFX for the GUI, which is better known as WPF.

The reason for this topic is to collect ideas and suggestions. Getting those now means I won't have to make radical changes near the end, saving me quit a bit of time. Apart from that I'll use this topic to post SL2 development news etc since I CBA with creating a new website for this one program.

Here's some very early work on the GUI, comparing some parts of it with SL 1:


*waiting for feedback/ideas/suggestions*
- log out from a site/forum (so dont have to close/re open)
- save and load profiles
- on the monitor view maybe a pause button? So say you see something being leeched which you want to remove or fix and you still want to watch other ones you can pause fix, and then continue
- ability to auto replace text. Example - say your leeching from wbb you enter in box1 "replace terms" wbb and box2 "replace with "" so it will clean some of the threads. Not sure how hard it would be or how useful you would find it. It would be match string of text and check it against a list and replace.

Things I like so far
- new look seems cleaner
- radio is amazing
- new tab names is good

Edit - Hyperz has said before custom leach forums would be difficult to do, although it is possible and would require some knowledge on the users side.
- log out from a site/forum (so dont have to close/re open)

That has been in there since 1.0.0 :|.

About the custom forums, the way I think I'm going to go about "leech sites" is moving them to a plugin system. This would mean 2 things:
1) Forums can be added by placing a .dll in a folder
2) Whoever wants to add a forum will have to know what he's doing since it would involve programming.
That has been in there since 1.0.0 :|.

About the custom forums, the way I think I'm going to go about "leech sites" is moving them to a plugin system. This would mean 2 things:
1) Forums can be added by placing a .dll in a folder
2) Whoever wants to add a forum will have to know what he's doing since it would involve programming.

lol sorry I didn't really update the one I was using. Make sure that feature returns :)

And yes a plugin system would be nice. You still have the sharpleech domain so maybe you could set up a small forum where people can post and help others make there own forum set ups. (or a thread here on wj, ether way :) )
Add custom forums to leech from?

About the custom forums, the way I think I'm going to go about "leech sites" is moving them to a plugin system. This would mean 2 things:
1) Forums can be added by placing a .dll in a folder

That's enough :D
will it work without recompiling ?

and please can you try to make it cross platform ?

btw ..this app is very useful to achieve it
What do you mean by work without recompiling?

I usually make my apps Mono-compatible but SL 2 will be an exception I'm afraid. Mono has no WPF functionality at the moment.
i am using your SharpLeech 1.0.1

but the problem is posting are not fine , means they are not done like a person manually posts , i saw one forum and he using some kinda leecher but the posts are just like a person post clean posts , and also it is not leeching from pornbb

sorry about English
That would be an auto poster and not a forum leecher, I think. A forum leecher has the task of copying existing content from one place to another, auto posters post a self made topic to a lot of sites at ones.

A bit of news, I've been quite busy today with SL2. The radio future has been re-implemented and now supports video streams. Custom stream sources, both audio and video, can be added. These will be extended later with Internet TV streams. Always handy if you get bored while letting SL do its thing :). The video streams can be put into fullscreen with a double click.


The chat future is now also nearly done. The message receiver is as good as done. Only the sending part needs to be implemented. About time! Who doesn't love public chatbox's :p? Apart from chatting it will enable remote support. Not only support trough chat but also partial remote control. For example, a channel admin will be able to query for error logs and remote debugging to help find and solve problems. This will obviously be controllable on the users side via a on/off[default] setting to prevent abuse.


I'm quite exited about this program tbh. It's been a while since I started a new app from scratch. Fun :p.

Make it have Galaxy radio
its an awesome radio

Has been added (Galaxy 105).
I've never used it before, but here are my ideas:
- give it IPB 3 compatibility
- make it work with IPB 3
- 1 last thing: it should work on IPB 3

that is all :)
Deleted's idea of replacing text would be useful so you could replace moderator comments or the text at the bottom where it says Links Checked by WBB.....
This could be also useful for stuff like when the WBB staff add coments about imageshack images etc. or code you links. Their's loads of ways one could use this like adding an image to get people to register etc. eg replace [code] with [img][/img]
[/b] Lots of potential for webmasters :)

Another idea would be to use Rapidshare's api and check any Rapidshare links to see their alive. Checking all types of links can be messy but the RS ones are easy to check with their api. Check out if you haven't seen it yet. Obviously checking all links would be cool but RS would be a great start.

How about it uses different accounts to post. That way it won't be so obvious their all leeched posts. Seeing a forum with 20 posts a minute by the same user of off putting. Randomizing the posts between different accounts with hide the fact the forum is shit.

Haven't had the need to use Sharpleech in a few months but it was a great app when I used it.
Yea I love that idea Mr. Happy with random accounts.

Another suggestion which is manually accept posts. So say your in the view area where it is leeching, you can edit some text in your textbox and then hit next and it will load up the next post. Not sure how hard it is to intergrate such a feature but it would be useful.
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