SharpLeech 2.0.0 BETA

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Active Member

SharpLeech is a tool developed primarily for people running a (new?) warez forum that needs more or starting content. It copies topics from other forums to the one you specify. Saving you from having to manually copy/paste them.

Changes Since v2.0.0 ALPHA:

  • Switched to .NET 4.0 RTM (the final version).
  • Fixed the IRC client not sending a nickchange request when changing your nickname in the options.
  • Fixed a resource leak in one of the async fucntions due to not handling the IAsyncResult.
  • Fixed the radio volume (and slider) not updating when restoring the default settings.
  • Fixed a problem where logging in to a vBulletin 4.0.3 forum wouldn't work.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when leeching in async mode due to a thread safety issue.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Copy Url button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Open topic in a browser button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-BB plugin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-Centre plugin.
  • Changed the logo to the new one that was created by Elio.
  • Changed the application icon. Again.
  • [strike]Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the .NET default (same as SL1)[/strike].
  • Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the systems default proxy settings.
  • Changed font for the white text with the black outer-glow effect.
  • Added a plugin for TehParadox.
  • Added a plugin for ForumW (.org).
  • Removed the Stats tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed the Feed tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed some TV station streams that were no longer broadcasting.
  • The start page number now increments when leeching like it was in SL1.
  • Flagged the LeechClient thread as Background thread.
  • A few small tweaks in the async pipeline.
If you used the ALPHA or Pre-ALPHA version before it is important to note that you will have to re-download and install .NET 4. The ALPHA's used the RC version whereas the BETA uses the latest retail version (RTM). There's a download link below.



Download (555 KByte):

I forgot to add the updated Warez-BB plugin.
If you need WBB support use this plugin:

Install .NET 4.0 RTM before running:

And please do not PM me with your problems. I will no longer respond to them. If you find bugs post them here. Be sure to include your Errors.log file and a screenshot if possible. Describe the problem as clearly as possible.

Thanks to Elio for the new logo.

Latest Plugin Fixes:
- TehParadox:

In window 7.i got this error when i login from forumw and my site and press start leaching after 1 sec its automatic stop.please help me

Edited: Please refrain from using huge fonts. we arent blind :) - jayfella.
i dunno whats happens to me , i can't visit warez-bb with my web browser !! its been for a week i think !!

page not found error shows up !
i dunno whats happens to me , i can't visit warez-bb with my web browser !! its been for a week i think !!

page not found error shows up !
they are trying to ban SL users, your ip might be flagged so it won't work to surf it, you have to use proxies now.

Hyperz, please we need proxy solution.
Restart your modem. You should get a new IP that way. See if you can access the site again then.

they are trying to ban SL users, your ip might be flagged so it won't work to surf it, you have to use proxies now.

Hyperz, please we need proxy solution.

How on earth are they gonna IP ban users when 90+% of the ISP's work with dynamic IP's. Let me tell you, they can't. Well they can but all they will be doing is banning innocent people. I already know you need a proxy solution. But don't generalize. You =/= everyone else.

The simple fact is that I can't add proxy support without recoding the whole Http library in SL. And I really don't feel like going trough the effort of making a new Http lib bassed on the low level TcpClient class rather than the current WebRequest one.
The problem is not from the browser ... i tried with many browsers but didn't work !!!
i think our ip is on their .htaccess lol
i tried with web proxies it worked so i am pretty sure i am banned !
and ya they can't just ban ips, except if they are banning ip ranges !!!!
They are not gonna ban ranges because doing that for a while will cut their traffic in half. As I said, restart your modem and/or router and try again.
He will get an IP if he has a dynamic connection not static and i can confirm that they are trying to ban IP's and today i realized that they are trying to limit max connection for some IP's instead of banning them which makes the surfing on WBB real slow, with mode_security on apache they can write a rule to ban the IP who consume much resources or establish mutiple connections at the same time.

Then why you're talking about proxy issue as if no one in the world use proxy, most of the web apps have proxy option from torrent clients to browsers etc ...., it's not fair to lose proxy support because you ran too fast to use .Net 4.0, you should have waited more to make more studies about it.

You should consider adding proxy option to SL or let it read IE settings correctly or your SL2 will not be popular as SL1 i can assure.
First of all, they are not using Apacha. If they put a limit on the maximum number of connections that is no problem because you only need one. And with one connection you won't notice much of a slow down. If you do it'll only be on the 1st page load. After that the cache kicks in.

How did you test the max # of connections btw? Or do you just blindly assume they do? You also don't seem to realize that there are different types of proxies. The one you need to connect to the internet is not the same type of proxy that is generally used to avoid IP bans. So reading the IE proxy settings does not give SL proxy support per sé. Fact is, very little people need proxy support. Another fact is that SL2 is already more popular than SL1. To add to that, I don't care how many people use SL as I don't benefit from the amount of users.
Who told you that i need one connection? SL can run multiple instances, you can run like 10 and leech at the same time without pause, so it will open at least 10 connection and i get a lot of forbidden messages from the server.

To reduce the DDoS attacks they must limit the max connections for sure or they won't survive or they must setup a firewall and ban IP's.

I don't care how the proxy will work, all i know that this app needs a proxy support and if you don't like how things going on i suggest that you go now and start working on SL2 Pro and all the features i need and others need and i will be your first buyers for sure but stop saying very little people use proxy.
SL2 isn't made to run multiple instances so you should expect problems when running more instances and I have said this many times before. That's why the whole async thing was implemented. One SL instance will use 12 parallel connections with a pause value of 0. And 1 with a pause value that above 1. WBB doesn't support 12 connections (4 to be exact) and they have been rejecting connections since they moved to nginx. That's why I've been saying that a pause value of 1 or greater should be used when leeching from WBB. But people don't read and are surprised when they come across problems.

And who are you to start telling me what I should and shouldn't do? You're the only that is creating a big deal out of the proxy issue.
I was talking about SL1, i didn't mention SL2, if SL2 can't establish 12 connections then it's sucks because it will skip tons of threads and maybe pages, and i can tell you that WBB now allows 1 connection only not even 4 and more than that it will give errors and skips threads.

You really should think about Pro version and make a website for it and make a ticket system so you get benefit of your work and enjoy it at the same time.
I was talking about SL1, i didn't mention SL2

You should consider adding proxy option to SL or let it read IE settings correctly or your SL2 will not be popular as SL1 i can assure.

Did you know this is the SL2 topic? SL1 is old and broken. I no longer support it

if SL2 can't establish 12 connections then it's sucks because it will skip tons of threads and maybe pages, and i can tell you that WBB now allows 1 connection only not even 4 and more than that it will give errors and skips threads.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, no offense. How many connections can be sustained depends completely on the site/server and not on SL. Going over the connection limit is no problem. It happens on every site since no site will allow 12 open connections from a single IP. Either WBB fails at properly setting up nginx or they intentionally spit out errors when to much connections take place. That still has nothing to do with SL but WBB.

Do me a favor and go use a better leecher or build your own. Since you seem to think you know everything better. This was my last reply to you. I'm not gonna waste my time having a pointless discussion.
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