SharpLeech 2.0.0 ALPHA

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Active Member

Custom SharpLeech 2 Plugins:

A few days late but here it is. This version is mainly a maintenance update. By this I mean no flashy new futures were added. Instead this should resolve a bunch of issues and crashes that some people had with the Pre-ALPHA.

Changes Since v2.0.0 Pre-ALPHA:

  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some PC's when a window is opened for the 2nd time.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some PC's when clicking on the login button.
  • Fixed a crash or freeze that would occur when the Start Leeching button was clicked.
  • Fixed the program not logging the ChatBox content when the option is enabled.
  • Fixed a typo. I'm sure there are more typos left in the GUI so let me know if you find one!
  • Fixed problems with IPB 3 quote tags.
  • Added error logging layer.
  • Added asynchronous leeching (300%+ speed boost on 5Mbit+ connections and fast sites).
  • Removed all F# code and ported it to the C# DLL. The F# runtime is no longer required to be installed.
  • Improved duplicate topic posting prevention - It will now check the hash before actually reading the topic (speed improvement).
  • Improved Keep-Alive requests.
  • Increased HTTP connection limit (2 -> 12).
  • Changed the default timeout value from 100.000 to 30.000 ms.
  • Changed the default Regex settings (they are now enabled by default).
  • Changed the default ChatBox nickname. The program will now set your Windows username as default value.
  • Changed the window background color for the non-Aero interface.


Download (460 KByte):

Install .NET 4.0 RC before running (48 MB):

Things you should know:
Async leeching is automatically enabled when the Pause value in your options is set to 0. By setting it to 1 or higher the program will switch to the old sync leeching method. A fast site (both leech and post) and a 5Mbit+ connection are highly recommended for async posting. On slow sites/connections async posting might actually drown your speed instead of improving it.

When you report a bug
or problem make sure to include your Errors.log file. A screenshot alone is worthless. Also make sure you describe the problem as good as possible. Simply saying "it crashes for me" is useless.

Plugins (tested by me):
- Fixed Warez-Centre plugin:
- Fixed Warez-BB plugin:
- TehPARADOX (by The End):
- ForumW (.org) (by NewEraCracker):

SharpLeech 2.0.0 BETA progress (frequently updated):
  • Changes Since v2.0.0 ALPHA:
  • Switched to .NET 4.0 RTM (the final version).
  • Fixed the IRC client not sending a nickchange request when changing your nickname in the options.
  • Fixed a resource leak in one of the async fucntions due to not handling the IAsyncResult.
  • Fixed the radio volume (and slider) not updating when restoring the default settings.
  • Fixed a problem where logging in to a vBulletin 4.0.3 forum wouldn't work.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when leeching in async mode due to a thread safety issue.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Copy Url button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking the Open topic in a browser button when the url was 'null'.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-BB plugin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Warez-Centre plugin.
  • Changed the logo to the new one that was created by Elio.
  • Changed the application icon. Again.
  • [strike]Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the .NET default (same as SL1)[/strike].
  • Changed the internal proxy setup from forced off to the systems default proxy settings.
  • Added a plugin for TehParadox.
  • Added a plugin for ForumW (.org).
  • Removed the Stats tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed the Feed tab (moved to a future version).
  • Removed some TV station streams that were no longer broadcasting.
  • The start page number now increments when leeching like it was in SL1.
The URL is wrong, it shouldn't have be But that site is not English so it won't work anyway unless you rewrite the functions in the plugin.
Thanks for the answer Hyperz :)

I don't understand what could be the problem with other languages.. why shouldn't it work? I guess it's a translation problem, what part should I change / can I change it woithout the source code? I think there are more problems that should eb solved, since the site has some strange modifications..

Another problem si that I can only login to my site in manual mode (it does work fine actually), but automatic does always fail.. my site is

If you are interested in some jobs please contact me, I can pay you hourly or as you prefer.

Thank you again :) Hope to hear from you soon!

Tested and working over here. Firstly, when you go to the site you land at but in the plugin you had as base url. This can make a difference, also in terms of speed (less redirects).

Secondly you had:
        <!-- Set to true if the site uses SEO urls, otherwise false. -->
UseFriendlyLinks only works with VBSeo for vB. They use some other system so UseFriendlyLinks had to be set to false. Keeping AllowRedirects set to true will automatically take care of the *unknown* SEO plugin.

People have been reporting issues with wbb. I can confirm that something is wrong. After leeching a few topics the site starts throwing 403 (forbidden) errors. I THINK they are trying to block leechers. I'll look into the problem when I get some time. For now if you use wbb I recommend setting the pause value to 5000. That might help.

SL2 Alpha -> 1.100 downloads and counting (excluding other mirrors). 8)

Don't PM me with SL problems please, thanks. Post them here instead. You might not always get an answer but I do take note of issues for future versions.

Nice, thanks a ton for the reply Hyperz. I appreciate it. I'll give this a go later on today.

Also, since I'm the only one consistently bugging you about it - any news on an update to SL?
News? Nothing major at this point in time. No development news anyway. I can tell you a few decisions I've taken though:

  • The engine development will get separated from the front-end (GUI). Reason for this is that it will enable me to release an updated DLL without having to wait for the GUI stuff. This makes sense because the whole back-end will get GPL'd (open source'd) and hosted on SourceForge. That will allow other C# coders to contribute or use the back-end in other projects. It will also give people more insight in how plugins work so that they have a better idea how they can include custom code with SR plugins.
  • Some stuff planned for 2.0.0 will be moved to 2.0.1 or later. That includes: custom skins, GUI plugins and the stats tab.

Thanks for the answer Hyperz :)

I don't understand what could be the problem with other languages.. why shouldn't it work? I guess it's a translation problem, what part should I change / can I change it woithout the source code? I think there are more problems that should eb solved, since the site has some strange modifications..

Another problem si that I can only login to my site in manual mode (it does work fine actually), but automatic does always fail.. my site is

If you are interested in some jobs please contact me, I can pay you hourly or as you prefer.

Thank you again :) Hope to hear from you soon!

It's not a translation problem. SL doesn't have access to a sites database. As such data must be extracted (parsed) from HTML. That HTML contains language specific text, some of which SL relies on.

Not sure what's up with the manual login thing. I'll look at it later and see if I can find the issue.

Regarding jobs, I can answer that question if you be a bit more specific ;).
Hey Hyperz, awesome new app but i have a serious problem with connecting to post and login sites using a proxy connection, it always fail, can you in the upcoming release make it like the old SLV1 use the IE proxy settings?

Thank you very much and appreciate your reply. :)
Thanks a lot for explaining. Anyway, can we leech a specific topic then with our replaced download links? And what about 'Forum Type' is this for Leech or Post forum?

I don understand the process, when I press 'Start leeching' I can see the topics loading but when I check the 'Post' forum I can't see the posted topics.

Bug: The app will shut down if go to tap Monitor > Copy URL or Open this topic in browser... at the fresh start.
AmaderForum Plugin Not working

Dear Hyperz!

amaderforum plugin is not working, whenever i login and try to post it just skips all the pages and do not post any topic, please do some needful :(:(:(
That plugin wasn't made or tested by me m8.

Hey Hyperz, awesome new app but i have a serious problem with connecting to post and login sites using a proxy connection, it always fail, can you in the upcoming release make it like the old SLV1 use the IE proxy settings?

Thank you very much and appreciate your reply. :)

Not sure about that atm. Why would you need to be behind a proxy for SL?

Thanks a lot for explaining. Anyway, can we leech a specific topic then with our replaced download links? And what about 'Forum Type' is this for Leech or Post forum?

I don understand the process, when I press 'Start leeching' I can see the topics loading but when I check the 'Post' forum I can't see the posted topics.

Bug: The app will shut down if go to tap Monitor > Copy URL or Open this topic in browser... at the fresh start.

Thanks for the bug report, added to my list. I think you don't understand the purpose of this program. It's simply meant to copy threads from one forum to another. Nothing more, nothing less. Some of what you're trying to do would be possible via some hacks in the code section of a plugin but that isn't something I'm gonna be giving support for.



I've started doing some work on the beta. Fixing bugs to be more specific. I'll be looking at the vB 4 issues too. There are a fair amount of issues that will need to be fixed so the beta will most likely have little to no extra futures. Instead I'll try to get it as stable as possible.

That's all for now.



People keep PM'ing me regarding plugins etc. I'm not gonna be spending hours a day making and testing a bunch custom plugins. But if you're willing to spend €5/plugin we have a deal ;).
hi i created my own plugin where do i need to place it.. i placed it in sitereaders directory but its still not listing up in the sharpleech leech login forums..
If it doesn't show up in the list it means the plugin has errors in it. Paste the contents on and post the url here so I can have a quick look.
AmaderForum Plugin Not working

ok Hyperz!

but please can u make a tutorial that how plugin works so we'll b able to edit and make some new working plugins ourselves???

i really need amaderforum WORKING plugin, please just once help me out :(
ok Hyperz!

but please can u make a tutorial that how plugin works so we'll b able to edit and make some new working plugins ourselves???

i really need amaderforum WORKING plugin, please just once help me out :(

If I get time and can fix my piece of $1 mic I might make a youtube vid about that. No promises though.
Well.. as im new :P i again got a new problem..

my xml listed up properly in the app but when i clicked on Start Leeching(it changed to stop leeching for few seconds) and it again turned back to Start Leeching.

Didnt leech anything for me :(
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