SharpLeech 1.0.0 - Some info.

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Active Member
Hello fellow webmasters.

I thought it would be a good idea to post the following info here about the upcoming stable release of #Leech since the bulk of the people using it are webmasters.

The info:
Tons of people keep asking me what the status is on the development of #Leech v1 and when its coming out. Well so far I've been saying "when its done". My original plan was to release it +- a month after beta #2 came out. However at that point i had no clue whatsoever that tons of people would start using it all across the warez community.

A lot of people offered their suggestions and idea's and as they came in i started to implement those that I thought were good enough to be added. Because of this way of working on it i kind of drowned the v1 project. There's so much stuff on the list to be implemented and so much work to be done that if i continue like this it'll take like another year or so for it to be done.

That would be a major blow and so i decided to start over again. The mistake i made was the wanting to add all new ideas to v1 when in fact v1 should be nothing more then a stable version of the preceding beta's. So that's the new plan, skip all work, make the damn thing as stable as possible and release v1.

I should note that this does not mean i won't implement the good idea's. They will be added in time with other updates (say v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0, first number being the main app version, second one represents updates with new futures and the third one bug fix updates). This way people will have to wait less before getting updates.

Last but not least, a lite version will be made available for: Unix, Linux and Mac based systems allowing it to be run on remote dedi's and VPS's.
So, the next version is coming very soon. You can stop mailing and PM'ing me now with the same question over and over again <_<. Also, please don't reply with things like "Make your own threads." or "Upload your own stuff." thanks :).
The stable version will not have any new futures. It will be much like the current BETA #2 version but stable and with some bug fixes etc. It will also have "silent auto retry/skip" for those server side errors.

Looking at other future releases support for MyBB might get added IF enough people ask for it. SMF support is on its way for v1.1.0.
It does post. However i can't guaranty it will post on forums loaded with mods or forum versions that were released after the release of BETA #2 (obviously). It is impossible for me to test each forum brand with each possible combination of mods out there.

I should also note that most people who told me it didn't work simply didn't know how to work it (using wrong url's and whatnot).
Remember what I told you about, restricting bots posting on boards (I hope this does get implemented). Thanks for the info.
well i would like to say i use it and love it thanks for all your hard work on this and i look forward to getting the new release when it comes out
Would be neat if you added a feature where as, you login with multiple accounts, and the leecher randomly posts to every account. Therefore, there is no way to tell if they are using a leecher or not. :)
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