Up to $30 per 1000 downloads and 50% PPS (All countries paid!)

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jhdsp, they just have to sign up for a free account to be able to download 1gb.

We are trying to add webmoney asap.

And we also pay for india.
Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification.

porn is not allowed.XD
I'll never understand why file hosts always count 1 IP per 24 hours other than to cheat you out of downloads.

Someone buys a premium, file host reaps that money benefit while that new premium user rapes all your files in one sitting while you sit there with 1 single counted download.

Just seems lame even with free users too who want maybe 10-20 of your files but you only get credited for 1 single download.
MOrbidus, as I have said. Before the plans were not counting correctly. We have now set up the hybrid plan correctly.
PROS: Removed
CONS: Adult content not allowed.

After few more testing, I consider that this host has only cons. :facepalm:
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@Mubin :
The download speed to decrease. (All Day 950ko/s > Now 650ko/s)
You think it will still dimunié if there are more registered or not ?
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