discussion thread

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Admins, with excuse i have 2 suggestions about the site;

1. Last downloaded column for file list, so we can find which file was downloaded, when and this will give people to repost the file if necessary. (Because files deleted after amount of days, yes ?

2. File list itself, can't it be expandable like mediafire's ? more you roll mouse wheel down, more files will appear ?

I dont mind second but firs is important for uploaders i think
Hi Sharpfile. Just uploaded a 700MB file through web upload, it gave me the download link and by the time I've posted on my site, the link has shown as dead. Also it doesn't show in file manager as deleted either, just no trace. Anyone have this problem
Please fix remote upload , i cannot upload anything,remote upload is very slow.Please activate server charlie to upload, and fix foxtrot server, india server is very slow, and server kilo it's counting very bad the downloads.Thanks for the great work i love you guys.
Please fix remote upload , i cannot upload anything,remote upload is very slow.Please activate server charlie to upload, and fix foxtrot server, india server is very slow, and server kilo it's counting very bad the downloads.

how do you know that a server is counting downloads incorectly?
thats true nihbez today downloads r counting very slow dont know the reason behind it though :(

Yes my friend i don't know the reason, but my downloads are slightly better, but not like with old script, but now i cannot upload anything, i hope sharpfile fix all the issues.Thanks for the fantastic support guys.
U Have Problems 2 See My Pm's Now See 1st Post.

Admin Power = Ban My Sharpfile Account.

U Already Know My Account Name.

lmao..So since you stated this thread, you now try to accuse us of being scammer when I have done nothing but try to help you, why dont you mention that you are a meber at our website and started this thread but sir dont you also own you own Filehosting website, i did some research and found out that you are the owner of your own file host service? SO what are your real intentions here ?

And in you first post all you show is ONE post I made that that says your real statistics are in your account,, so anyways, i am going to ask the mods to close this thread.. I am sicks of your scamming and threats and blatant outright lies..

You own this thread and since we helped you grow this thread, you then change the first post to help you and target us when we are the ones working our asses off to make SHARPFILE a great file host, now I am just waiting for you to put your website in first post to promote your shit file hosts service..

Guys if you want support from sharpfile for now you can email until we open an officila thread, but as of now I am stopping all support staff from posting in this thread because I believe Big_Boss had ulterior motives in design here.

Its been fun guys.. But Lives and this thread now dies

We are here 100% for all our affiliates and users you have our email and you will see us in our own thread you can thank Bigboss or whatever his name is for the shit here...

Its been a pleasure Goodbye :)
Sharpfile, the upload speed in server india it's going down and down and never finish the upload, please fix it and fix foxtrot server, and activate charlie to upload.
Just got a warning for my last message, so to sum it up Biggboss I hope you are happy - you have now caused us to have no direct support thread to immediately find and solve problems with this host as a community.
What you've dont to the first post is way out of order too man, you should put it back to how it was and leave it

Anyway at least now this thread is gone it temporarily won't attract little kids who cry when things don't go there way.

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