Sharingzone Update, 95% Payouts, Coming Changes

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Optimus Prime

Just an update to let you know that our database restoration from the
recent down time has been completed.

Please note that your stats from October 5th upto October 15th has been
merged into one day -- October 17th. However, not data loss occurred.

As promised, due to the downtime, all affiliates will receive compensation
based on your converstion ratio, extrapolated to a period of 48 hours.

Lastly, due to the recent down time and restoration process our payout
date for this month is slightly delayed -- all affiliates will receive
payment on October 19th instead of the 15th. Hereafter, regular payouts
will continue to occur on the 15th of every month.


Note: for the final week of this month, we will raise payouts up to 95%
commissions! Spread the word, using your affiliate webmaster's link to
receive teir 2 commissions on your affiliate's sales (your custom affiliate
linking code is in your affiliate members area).


Revshare Payment Model: Our new $3.99 trial payment option has tripled
sales conversions for nearly all affiliates! This is a major breakthrough
for conversion ratios! Many affiliate sales have shot through the roof!
We'd like to hear how your conversions have changed -- drop us a line
with a report and your ideas!

Signup System Pages: Webmasters can promote us using their own
landing pages and embed our signup forms right into their website, for
a more customized look!



Due to popular demand, we are changing the default look of Sharingzone,
to a more modernized "web 2.0" appearance. The new look incorporates
flash animation, sound and video effects. It is definitely a "larger than life"
appearance and we are certain affiliates will love the new look! Stay
tuned for an announcement.

We are releasing a new, lighter themed landing page, to match lighter
coloured "scene" websites a little better.

We are releasing several new "Downloads" websites which webmasters
will be able to link to, and promote Sharingzone, including some new
"sales pitch" style websites -- with these new sites, you will now have
a choice of websites, styles, themes and colors when you link to
Sharingzone or integrate them into your own site!

GET YOUR OWN "Members Area":

Our most exciting development yet! We will be releasing a website
template which you can download to your own site into a "members" folder.

With a couple tweaks, you will have your own "members area" which your
"scene" users can choose to join, and of course, earn you a commission
by doing so. This is the ultimate in Sharingzone integration into your
"scene" website!

These new changes will all be implemented very soon! Competing sponsor
sites do not have these changes. Of course, eventually they will copy us,
as usual. Just remember that Sharingzone is still the best choice for all
"scene" webmasters!

Remember we are the original "scene" sponsor and we will do everything to
make certain that you earn the most money, have the most versatility and
flexibility than any competitor around! Sharingzone will always stay ahead
of the game when it comes to earning you the most money, in the easiest
and fastest way possible.

Be sure to check out the live banners, search boxes, forum and blog mods
available in the members area:

As always, if you need any help in your advertising campaign, please email
us at support[at]
Snowmanrene, your account was not appearing as an affiliate account. Are you sure you signed up using the affiliate link (as opposed to the regular signup link for surfers)?

I've changed this now, please, try again B-)

P.S. Nice integration to triniddl! Love to see how it turns out.
Everytime I try to go to the Affiliate area, I get redirected to the Members Area :S
Can't see my stats or anything.

I have the same problem too ,I tried many times to login to the Affiliate Area but I get redirected to the Members Area

I signed up using the Affiliate Link here:

I'm using this link to login to my Affiliate account:

after I enter my Username/Password , it redirects me to the Members Area here:

" Optimus Prime ", Could you solve this problem, Please?

Thanks in advance..
Hi Karim, sorry -- it might have been due to the database restoration process, there was an overlap period, and you signed up on Oct 17th, which is around the same time. I have confirmed this is no longer an issue.

Anyways, your account is fixed. B-)
Hi Karim, sorry -- it might have been due to the database restoration process, there was an overlap period, and you signed up on Oct 17th, which is around the same time. I have confirmed this is no longer an issue.

Anyways, your account is fixed. B-)

No problem, Optimus Prime
Thank you for solving this problem :) (y)
95% Payouts from Sharingzone [Promotion]:

Notice to all affiliates: Any sales from now will pay you a full 95% commission, on every sale.

This promotion will last until October 31st, 2009.

Remember: ever since implementing the new "$3.99 Trial" option on the signup page, many affiliate conversions have nearly tripled!

If you are not promoting yet, now's the perfect time to start!
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