JmZ, thanks for asking. I've seen your other posts about Sharingzone where you stated that the site is a scam to customers (but not to affiliates) -- and this was a statement that you have made without knowing -- however, I appreciate that you simply asked (because it's not true).
The site is designed in such a way, to maximize conversions and sales, but also more importantly, to stay legal, and to be reliable/stable/long lasting. Lastly, there is a procedure in place with
Technical Support to maximize customer retention.
Having said that, customers get proprietary file search utilities and more importantly, technical support to help them find what they were looking for.
Yes, the landing page is fictional (and this is stated in the TOS), however, that doesn't mean that the customer is "scammed" if he purchases a membership.
Sharingzone has a
Customer Satisfaction Policy that we follow very strictly.
Basically, it's says this: If a customer purchases a membership in hopes of obtaining a particular file or files, then we (technical support) will help the customer with finding and downloading that file (we don't host the file, just find the file). IF we cannot find what the customer wanted when he made the purchase, he is refunded 100% of his purchase price. I have setup this policy in the interest of fairness -- I really have no intention of scamming or ripping people off. Also note, if a customer refuses to specify what file they wanted or just simply will not work together with us, we can't and don't issue a refund. This is the most fair way to deal with the membership sales and customer satisfaction. And it is followed 100%
Consider that our Refund Rate is less than 5% of total sales (and this can be verified by any affiliate promoting Sharingzone) -- this is proof that there is, in fact, customer retention and customer satisfaction.
Thanks for asking JmZ.

Let me know if you have any futher questions.