- Read WJunction staff note (last post)

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any chance of adding alertpay as a payment option?

Currently Alertpay is not an option, sorry.

Well, my referral had 17 sales last month, registered under me in february, but I see no credit in any column, just my regular sales...

Please send me your Sharingzone username, and also your referral's username, and I'll take a look. Best that you email affiliates @
Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?

Instead of posting such a topic, you could have

1. Contacted me at affiliates @
2. Messaged or PM's me here

If there's a problem, or if you can tweak your site, I would help you out.

Now looking at your stats, sending in 50 - 100 uniques a day, what did you expect to earn? Go back to the first page of this post and for the millionth time, READ MY EARNINGS ESTIMATE that is based on how many raw hits you site gets.

There are tons of affiliates earning hundreds and thousands of dollars each and every month. How exactly am I / Sharingzone useless? Posting as such is completely unnecessary. You're angry because you aren't earning anything -- and somehow you think it's my fault. :facepalm:
Absolutely. SharingZone is indeed biggest paying affiliate program, I've earned upto 300$ per month with my warez sites.. But the earning has dropped recently.. from past few months. However clicks I m sending havent dropped.

Maybe ppl are already aware about it, and now it is hard to target more ppl who are new to warez?
1. Nothing to worry about, it's not going to sell, unless an investor offers $1000,000.00. Also, affiliates are getting bigger bonuses, based on individual performance. If you're one of those webmasters, feel free to post your stats here along with the bonuses you've received.

2. About the other thread on here about SZ, I'm have chosen not to comment on that and give that a bump, because it's bull. Ask any Sharingzone affiliate, how their refunds are -- and if you're a Sharingzone affiliate already, then you know that refund rates on this site are almost NIL -- that's got to say something about the satisfaction of our customer base. We work to not only get customers, but to keep them (ie. for the recurring memberships) and we offer incentives and bonuses to customers in order to reduce refund rates, and keep members happy. Refund rates are now at an all time low. (if you're an affiliate, post about your performance).

From our end, affiliate earnings are still normal. If your site is not converting well, message affiliates @, and let me know your website URL, I'll have a look and let you know if it can be tweaked or if there's a problem.
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And What you say is right, but you dont give the files to customers for which they signed up right? They get nothing, AFAIK.
So what they actually pay for?
We assist customers in regards to finding the files which they want. We also discourage downloading or sharing copyright content. What the user does with the information is at the user's discretion.
in vb 4.0.8 not working.can you please check? no $post['massage'] or $post[massage].

Dont try play game with google bots, today bots is much smarter

Open ad_showthread_firstpost_sig template
And add this.. you can customize how u like...
<a href="{vb:raw $GLOBALS[threadinfo][title]}">{vb:raw $GLOBALS[threadinfo][title]}</a>
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