Shareupload : Discussion Thread

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up to 60 of 1000 download?

but I see the page higher is 40usd only,something wrong?

and area D price too low


Affiliate page has been fixed. Also, Zone D has been updated with better earnings for you guys! :)

Also, I talked personally with the manager today. So he made a decision.
We will NOT remove any earnings from DMCA takedown requests, but we are obligated to remove the files in cause. Also, child p0rn uploading is completely forbidden (I've seen some users doing that), and user in cause will be reported to the Police immediately, following by permanent IP banning + deleted account!

---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 PM ----------

paymen for paypal ?

Hey Momosclan,

We pay by Paypal/Alertpay.

Best Regards,

---------- Post added at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

add refferal program

Also, we have increased the referral program to 10% from each of his referral, and it will be effective in their account in a few minutes.
Since fileserve death, I've tried some filehosts and until now I haven't found a really good to use as main. This table brought hope to me:


I wanna start using shareupload, but I've some sugestions:
Don't reduce the number of days for deleting files, don't change every time rates or country groups. Do not shave or freeze the download counting randomly.

BTW, Up to 500 GB for registered would be great.
Hey fabiofilho,

As we had the website under construction, nothing was changed in real settings, only the settings for group D that were a little bit increased, everything else was in settings but not synced with the table at Make Money page.
As for space increasing to 500GB, please leave a message at support [at] .

Best Regards,

Thanks for increasing storage to 500 GB. :)

BTW, a better design for the file manager, like some other xfs based filehosts, like hulkfile or pigsonic, would be cool!
And If possible, folder links with link lists of files.

Best luck for SU. I'll start to use your service today.
Hey fabiofilho,

I've noticed a mistake in My Files, therefore, I've fixed it. It was displaying GB Mb.

We'll work on a better design, although we need a little more time for that.
Also, for folder links, some people were asking to remove them because they can be accessed by public without being registered, therefore we thought that we should "disable" that feature till we find a better solution for it.

Thank you,

---------- Post added 14th May 2012 at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was 13th May 2012 at 11:14 PM ----------

Hello guys,

Website has been deployed and is no longer under construction.
You are welcome to make money, share and upload files freely!
Also, the website will be loading a little slower for 2 days. We are in process to deploy another server! Thanks for understanding.

Have a nice day,
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