ShareLinking.Com Solution For FileHosts DeadLinks / Multi Posting

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Between what I am gonna do is create API, something nice which checks for duplicate links and prevent them from DDL sites. And the uptime issue. Though I have never seen my server down since I bought it and have been working for most of the times.
I think you should forget about Katz and DDL sites as they will never accept this feature.

You should first of all contact WBB admins as it is the only website that has implemented a link protection feature. If the admins there approve your site and whitelist it, it'll be adopted on a large scale by the warez community.

I dont want to sound rude or anything, but the real uploaders aren't there on katz etc or these small sites who are just made for reselling. Go to bigger forums and contact those e.g Warez-bb, the paradox, forumw. etc etc

Its the uploaders on these sites who actually need some type of link protection, cause they are the ones who reupload the files again and again.

So contact their admins and try to work with them, if you succeed your site will get a huge amount of traffic e.g
Just an update,
I have added support for Duckload and in link checker. It nows immediately email's the uploader whenever the links goes dead and added to DMCA removed folder. Working fast.
Looks cool, I will use it. Awesome I am going to earn more now. I was thinking of searching a site like this. I love the site it sends me email whenever I get my files deleted. The original host don't mail me if I get dead links but this site mails me and easy to manage and it is quite fast. Thanks for the share.
Thanks becool for you kind review.
I am currently creating the API system which will extend the system of generating new links. It will be released in 1 or 2 days. I hope you enjoy more earnings and I will keep adding new features as long as I receive suggestions or something new cracks in my mind.
i do multi posting on forums and i am really tired of dead links... have to replace links again and again. sharelinking is a very useful tool as it protects links from getting broken and is replacing links is way easy and time saving. I am using it... :)
Desktop application is being built to make the process even faster. It will be a light software. Its gonna be a simple one but powerful and time saver.
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