Shared host for link warez, which to choose?

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Hi, I have a "smal" (3-4k/day) website on Altervista server. I have to change my host for obvious reasons, which have I to choose?

And is it better host in Honk Kong or Netherlands?

Best regards

Netherlands has very little rules on DMCA from what I know, But than so does Hong Kong.

I personally would choose Netherlands, But its up to you and what fits in your budget.
wrzhost is the oldest and most reliable company on this site, try to stay away from new companies as they dont last long or try posting4hosting for free host
wrzhost is the oldest and most reliable company on this site, try to stay away from new companies as they dont last long or try posting4hosting for free host

This is why new host's dont last long because they arnt given the chance. I personally try new hosts before any other as they ALWAYS seem to be the people who try hardest and arnt money hungry. Always helpful

Honestly, Big companies take those little companies out. Would you like that happening to your company? No one would.

I am not saying you should buy from them, I am just saying dont think because they are new they wont stick around long or be able to help you. Just consider it carefully.
At the end i choosed wrzhost ! Maybe is the only that has a shared hosting in Hong Kong.

My site works really good, it's fast and so on ...

A question : how do i see where is my server? if i use for example abouthisite it say me that the server stays in UK... ???
if u want a test :

Thanks at all.

Best regards.
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